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loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
14th December, 2011 at 04:31:11 -


i love the DC point
i love the RIKUS!
i love the klick cast





Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
14th December, 2011 at 04:57:51 -

I love the admins here. Clubsoft, Rikus, OMC, Flava, Jon Lambert (Anybody else remember George? That guy was awesome! I heard him and Jon had the same account because he was a talking tumor on Jon's skull, but that may be just an urban legend.), Ashman, Simon Colmer, Slinkington for a bit, a bunch of other guys, and oh what the hell, Circy I love you too! To be honest, the admin group here is very helpful, especially some of the newer guys who are trying to salvage what they can of TDC...

I also love the funness of trophies, and even the points system. I'm gonna crazy and use all of the points to give people trophies I think.

I also love the fact that this would get deleted on any other site-

Edited by Otter



Dedicated klik scientist


Game of the Week WinnerWeekly Picture Me This Winner!You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberI like Aliens!Evil klikerThe SpinsterI donated an open source project
14th December, 2011 at 07:09:09 -

I still love Phizzy. Am I alone?

Gridquest V2.00 is out!!




Has Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Winner!Cardboard BoxGhostbuster!Pokemon Ball!ComputerBox RedSanta HatSnowman
I am an April Fool
14th December, 2011 at 08:03:10 -

Originally Posted by Pixelthief
I still love Phizzy. Am I alone?




Custom ratings must be 50 characters or less


Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberI'm on a Boat360 OwnerAttention GetterThe Cake is a LieCardboard BoxHero of TimePS3 OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!
I'm a Storm TrooperSonic SpeedStrawberryI like Aliens!Wii OwnerMushroomGhostbuster!
14th December, 2011 at 09:06:06 -

I love Phizzy. I haven't talked to him in years though.

TDC has been an amazing wealth of material. I do coding in many languages now and still come back here to look up articles. Some clickers are way smart.

"Isn't it always amazing how we characterize a person's intelligence by how closely their thinking matches ours?"


Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
14th December, 2011 at 11:54:10 -

Bogus, just checked the news page. I really hope this is not the end.

Edited by an Administrator



Slow-Motion Riot


14th December, 2011 at 13:03:06 -

I've been coming here since like 2002 or so when I worked for a video game company and scoured the internet for game submissions. It's been a great place to look for new games and hear about other peoples projects, as well as receive feedback and answers to questions about issues that have others stumped.

Every forum has its bad apples; that just comes with the territory. But at its core, every forum is in some way about sharing, learning, and support. TDC has kept that vibe going for a decade now. You won't be forgotten.


Del Duio

Born in a Bowling Alley


GOTW WINNER CUP 1!GOTW WINNER CUP 2!GOTW WINNER CUP 3!GOTW WINNER CUP 4!Evil klikerHasslevania 2!The OutlawSanta Boot
14th December, 2011 at 13:03:36 -

Originally Posted by Pixelthief
I still love Phizzy. Am I alone?

Phizzy helped me out a lot before, he was a talented dude. As are you, PT!


"Del Duio has received 0 trophies. Click here to see them all."

"To be a true ninja you must first pick the most stealthy of our assorted combat suits. Might I suggest the bright neon orange?"

DXF Games, coming next: Hasslevania 2- This Space for Rent!


14th December, 2011 at 14:55:02 -

The only shame is that circy removed everyone's account... why did he do that?





Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
14th December, 2011 at 16:46:59 -

I think, just in case we don't see TDC come back that we shud unbanned all the old members that got banned, yes, even the Phizz. At least let them come by and say their final goodbyes.

Edited by Otter


The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


Game of the Week WinnerClickzine StaffAcoders MemberKlikCast StarVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 35 Winner!Second GOTW AwardYou've Been Circy'd!Picture Me This Round 38 Winner!GOTM December Third Place!!
I am an April FoolKliktober Special Award Tag
14th December, 2011 at 16:51:35 -

I'll certainly put that forward to the other admins. If this IS the end I see no reason why we can't let the banned members return to say goodbye.





Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
14th December, 2011 at 18:04:02 -

Thanks Chris! Well make sure you tell us if they do, that way we can give them a shoutout. Also, guys make sure you give old members a shoutout that this might be the last month of TDC. I've already talked to three!




I am an April Fool
14th December, 2011 at 20:35:49 -

it's raining TROPHIES! i don't know what else to do with all my DC points and I think everyone is doing it, too. which is funny if you just check user profiles.

anyways where will we all go once TDC is gone? i will certainly miss it.

can't we just all connect on facebook and be freeeeeeeeeeendz over there or some other equivalent shit because lets face it ive spend almost half of my life on here and I will certainly miss all of you but adam

so yeh sob sob




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
14th December, 2011 at 21:39:00 -

I echo MasterM's comments

A facebook group might be a good way to go but we may lose the forum functionality.

RE Adam - he used to be a good member of this place and just recently he has become a bitter, pessimistic person and i'm not sure why.

If people are interested in the Facebook group i could set one up on an ask to join basis if there is enough of us that want one.



TDC is my stress ball


GOTW WINNER CUP 1!GOTW WINNER CUP 2!GOTW WINNER CUP 3!KlikCast HelperVIP MemberWii OwnerStrawberryPicture Me This Round 28 Winner!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
Candy Cane
14th December, 2011 at 22:11:56 -

If you had to deal with the kind of losers that send you trophies calling you a 'fat fuck' you might be bitter too, Leighton




I am an April Fool
14th December, 2011 at 22:25:56 -

Originally Posted by -Adam-
If you had to deal with the kind of losers that send you trophies calling you a 'fat fuck' you might be bitter too, Leighton

lets be fair you have used every thread in existence to tell other people how much they suck, their opinions stink and how you are just better. while it might be loly in some cases it got on my nerves in 2005 and you've been doing it ever since so ive coped with you for 6 years insulting people I like. hell even now that TDC is almost dead you write stuff like "Someone buy it cheap and hold it at Ransom from Rikus." or "I remember when Rikus left 2-3 months ago, too." and my favourite "Well its hardly a history to be proud of, how do they not deserve it? "

tdc has no history to be proud of? do i get this right? so yeh you have been bitter ever since which simply comes from insecurities about actually being a fat fuck (DVDs about losing weight, no photos of yourself on facebook and other stuff I don't need to name). It's cool cause on the Internet you can be king and no one knows the real you but seriously you are the only person on here with that attitude.

but this isn't about Adam being a prick.

It's about TDC people connecting and our favourite site dying (i wouldnt come to a site every day if I were just trash talking on it, why bother?)



TDC is my stress ball


GOTW WINNER CUP 1!GOTW WINNER CUP 2!GOTW WINNER CUP 3!KlikCast HelperVIP MemberWii OwnerStrawberryPicture Me This Round 28 Winner!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
Candy Cane
14th December, 2011 at 22:42:02 -

Rikus did supposedly leave a few months ago. And TDC is notorious to other communities for it's flame wars and idiotic members, ironically you're a prime example.

Perhaps if TDC does die you might actually find yourself with nothing to do (god knows you clearly dont have a life if you have time to be going around calling people fat fucks , and in general being idiotically blunt and irrational when it comes to dealing with your problems) and you may actually work on a game and release it. You're so proud to have been here for so long, what do you have to show for it?

Its funny, I spoke to you a couple of months ago on msn, tried to be friendly again, and you went and made some remark about how Im always eating or something bitchy and blunt, because I said I was eating my dinner so I couldn't reply to your typical lengthy msn messages. Or perhaps a complete fail at trying to be funny. Either way whatever you say or do on here will have little effect on me.

By the way, you've never actually been on my facebook? Nor have I ever owned any dvds to do with weightloss, or told anyone I am insecure about my weight. Resorting to fabricating lies is an all time low.

Edited by Ski





Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
15th December, 2011 at 00:50:10 -

Okay guys let's not let this go out with a flame war Please, is it so much to ask, around christmas time too, that we can just agree to disagree and settle our differences. BTW Adam, I see you deleted the throphy I sent you, I didn't mean that in a harsh way at all, that trophy was just because some of my first memories of you were your naysaying of a project I had years ago when we chatted on GC And yes, Picazzi Village was very noobish, simple, inexperienced, and I definitely tried to overhype it But it paved the way for some future projects. So I really didn't mean anything bad by that trophy. And I apologize for that time consuming epic fail comment about 'The Wild Adam' on a different locked thread.

So guys, before this thread gets locked too, let's just learn to get along. ELE! (Everybody Love Everybody)



loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
15th December, 2011 at 00:53:18 -

I'll start another if this one get's locked.

I'm gonna miss this place. I'm gonna miss the flamewars, they really entertained me. LIJI throwing a fit over construct, When Pixlethief Demanded phizzy come back, Everything about Phizzy, so much fun



Lazy Coder


VIP MemberLikes TDCKitty
15th December, 2011 at 01:23:47 -

I wouldn't say I don't miss Phizzy... If that counts. He was quite the guy on a good day.

thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.




Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
15th December, 2011 at 01:25:57 -

Oh well turns out my Article on how to grow a mustache did get deleted
Definitely saw that one coming, though I beleive Dogzer had articles with inappropriate conduct that never received similair treatment. I think that delete was out of Mockery But it's okay, for it shall be reposted in the forums for everyone to see

Also, forget to mention I love the KlickCast!

Edited by Otter





Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
Picture Me This Round 32 Winner!Picture Me This Round 42 Winner!Picture Me This Round 44 Winner!Picture Me This Round 53 Winner!
15th December, 2011 at 05:09:36 -

Awh, I love reading the forums most of the time, even if I just lurk these days.


*Sigh* Why does so much have to change? Some Christmas this has turned out to be.

So where will I go to check out other members projects now?
This was the place I went since most of the skilled members are here. There's a lot of trash posted by noobs on Clickteam and GameBuilder.

Oh well... Tigsource then.




360 OwnerVIP Member
15th December, 2011 at 14:12:15 -

I just love everything
*crys like a mini-boss*
even take a look at this stupid site I made for TDC:



Insane Beaver


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 Owner
15th December, 2011 at 20:41:18 -

Who is Rikus?



Nordanrikets konung


VIP Member
15th December, 2011 at 21:27:21 -

This is what happens when you live in the world of the jewish NWO. We need to fight corruption, the powerfull "chosen" people of israel, TPTB, Illuminati, Bilderberg etc.
Just watch "the obama deception", alex jones is great.

This forum is full of trolls and disinfo agents.


Insane Beaver


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 Owner
15th December, 2011 at 23:03:09 -

And who the Kras are you supposed to be?!



16th December, 2011 at 01:32:04 -

It's kind of funny that even now as the site is dying that some of you still find a way to argue about something. I guess some people will never get along...

I think I'm going to miss the project page the most. It was the one page that I always checked when I visited the site. So when I read the last news post I thought to myself, how will I know about these games and their progress? Of course these people may have their own websites, but TDC connected me to all of them on one page that I could go to.

I also saw how several people wanted to keep the website alive. If anything I do believe that there should at least be an archive of all of the information so that none of gets lost. With that said, if people genuinely believe on keeping the community alive in some shape or form, I do believe that the best route is to welcome all indie games. And perhaps have a section for people who use Multimedia Fusion including a list of other products, because in the end, no matter how we're doing it, we all want to make games. And I believe it is that common goal that should bring us together.



Nordanrikets konung


VIP Member
16th December, 2011 at 01:37:45 -

Originally Posted by Yami
It's kind of funny that even now as the site is dying that some of you still find a way to argue about something. I guess some people will never get along...

I think I'm going to miss the project page the most. It was the one page that I always checked when I visited the site. So when I read the last news post I thought to myself, how will I know about these games and their progress? Of course these people may have their own websites, but TDC connected me to all of them on one page that I could go to.

I also saw how several people wanted to keep the website alive. If anything I do believe that there should at least be an archive of all of the information so that none of gets lost. With that said, if people genuinely believe on keeping the community alive in some shape or form, I do believe that the best route is to welcome all indie games. And perhaps have a section for people who use Multimedia Fusion including a list of other products, because in the end, no matter how we're doing it, we all want to make games. And I believe it is that common goal that should bring us together.

And in comes the american know-it-all.

This forum is full of trolls and disinfo agents.


16th December, 2011 at 01:40:48 -

I love you too.



16th December, 2011 at 02:18:30 -

While I don't come here that often, I will miss the place. And like someone else said, even if this site goes down tomarrow, no one is going to suddenly stop working on their projects.

As the community here, the Facebook idea is good. Although, clearly there are some members that don't get along with each other. So all the BS you see here will only get repeated there.

Really, this was a site about Clickteam products, not a place to rant about how you think the Jew's are taking over. (Newsflash; they aren't, you're just an insane racist.)

Hmm, maybe if there wasn't so many racists, flame war starters, etc. maybe the community vibe would be better here. And maybe if the community was better then maybe Rikus wouldn't want to throw in the towel. Something to think about.



God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
16th December, 2011 at 06:12:23 -

Stupid as it might sound, being a part of the community single whose managed to create such a powerful reputation for itself. Being notoriously known as the black sheep of the indie community, and all.

Not particularly something I guess many might be proud of - but it's better than being completely and irrevocable ignored or apparently nonexistent.


Der Dairy Crick


VIP MemberGOTW AWARD! -Astro Dude - part 1 GOTM JULY - 2009 - 3RD PLACE!It's-a me, Mario!Has Donated, Thank You!I donated an open source project
16th December, 2011 at 16:51:55 -

All of this definitely caught me by surprise. We've always had people posting threads about how TDC has been dying off; such threads go as far back as 2003. But now that it's actually coming true, I honestly don't know what to think. There are pros and cons. But one thing's for sure, Rikus' unwavering dedication, enthusiasm, and passion for indie gaming will be missed, as will many of the folks who come here on a regular basis. I haven't been the most active or well-known member on the site and I've spent many of my klik years as a lurker, but I will still genuinely miss being a part of this community as well.

Looking forward, I'm not entirely sure what Clickteam will do with the site, but I certainly hope that they archive everything so that those of us with active project pages won't lose them. I better start backing up my FableQuest devlog just in case.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
16th December, 2011 at 18:35:15 -

CT only has control over the current domain, not the website content itself.

I see no reason why we can not continue as is with a new domain or continue to use the current one (under Jeff's promise). I do think the click world still needs a independant click community - and TDC is pretty much the only community left that shows any signs of life.



God's God


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarAlien In Training!VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerSonic SpeedThe Cake is a LieComputerChristmas Tree!
I am an April Fool
17th December, 2011 at 00:52:25 -

Honestly - it would be a lot easier to keep a community full of life, if Clickteam would step up their game and make their tools more appealing to developers. Their price tag and their current product just aren't up to the challenge anymore. Maybe 5 years ago, but not anymore. When you have software packages like Unity which is basically MMF 3D, but with real scripting instead of an event editor, for the game price ranges, it's really hard to compete with something that in reality, really hasn't evolved too much since K&P.

Albeit, the reason is because it was far ahead of it's time at the time, but it's not anymore. Their event editor is amazing and very powerful, but in the eyes of serious developers who don't already suspect it's 'just another cookie cutter app', still see it as little more than a gimmick.

I mean even TGF:NGE is more or less a very sad, stripped down version that makes more bad first impressions than it does good.

I'm not trying to beat Clickteam up or anything, I wouldn't have bought their products if I didn't think they were good and I wouldn't have defended them this long if I didn't think they deserved it. But patience only goes so far, and when I see random people who have gone from knowing nothing, to suddenly creating big beautiful indie games, my patience wore thin. I started studying C# and it's the best decision I've made in a long time. It opens a whole new world that Clickteam has ultimately convinced me, is unable to deliver. Which is a real shame, because I saw a very bright future for them.


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
18th December, 2011 at 04:24:47 -

Btw I told phizzy he should come back and say hi. He said he had already thought about it and might do.





Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Mushroom
27th December, 2011 at 19:04:15 -

Well guys, Rikus said TDC may go down at the end of the month. So is it gonna still be here in 4 days or what? Will I have to enter a different domain name? Why aren't we hearing more about this?


Knudde (Shab)



Has Donated, Thank You!Clickzine StaffKlikCast StarVIP MemberGhostbuster!Dos Rules!I donated an open source project
27th December, 2011 at 21:34:04 -

Clickteam has the domain, and Jeff said as long as the server is going, he'd point it here. So I think the tales of our demise might be a bit premature

Craps, I'm an old man!


Don't listen to this idiot


You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
30th December, 2011 at 17:13:02 -

Originally Posted by -Adam-
If you had to deal with the kind of losers that send you trophies calling you a 'fat fuck' you might be bitter too, Leighton

You know, when kids these days say fat they mean good. So Ricky's really just saying you're a good f**k. I'd rather not think of how he knows that.

Admin Note
  Un-called for.

- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -

Make some more box arts damnit!


loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
30th December, 2011 at 19:59:28 -

he genuinely loves

Edited by an Administrator

Admin Note
  Hey hey, crossing the line


Knudde (Shab)



Has Donated, Thank You!Clickzine StaffKlikCast StarVIP MemberGhostbuster!Dos Rules!I donated an open source project
30th December, 2011 at 21:32:16 -

Guys, can we seriously stop this crap? Stop the stupid little vendettas and the pointed little comments. We want new members and stuff like this doesn't help. This isn't neogaf, reddit, or 4chan. All you guys are doing is hurting the image of this as a friendly place. You guys like to skirt around the rules and then cry foul when we drop the hammer. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to drop it? I know the admins think it would be nice if our members (especially those who have been around for a long time) knew how to conduct themselves.

Ricky, c'mon dude, you're better than this.

Pfred, stop setting people up for things.

Screw it, when the invariable site redesign topic pops up in the admin forum, I'm going to suggest having no main forums.

Craps, I'm an old man!

Neil Butcher

30th December, 2011 at 22:17:18 -

Knudde makes a good point. This place could go so much further with a little maturity. Not only does the lack thereof make people as individuals look bad, it reflects poorly on the Daily Click community for new users and old alike.

MMF2 Examples -


Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
30th December, 2011 at 23:15:39 -

Originally Posted by Knudde (Shab)

Screw it, when the invariable site redesign topic pops up in the admin forum, I'm going to suggest having no main forums.

Come on Shab, I am the miserable old man. Pull yourself together, that's an order!



Don't listen to this idiot


You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
31st December, 2011 at 00:58:25 -

Ricky said something nasty to Adam, I turned it around so jokes on him. I'm sorry if I offended either one of them.

Why are there so few new members? Back when I signed up this was a site where people uploaded games they've made. Now it's a site where people who used to make games talk about... random crap really. If I'd recommend this site to a friend what would I tell them?

As for removing the forums, I actually think that's a good idea, because hardly anyone uses the site for it's intended purpose (that is, uploading homemade games too). So either the site prospers or it dies off for real and there will be no more "community is dying" threads.

- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -

Make some more box arts damnit!


loves Left For Dead 2


Has Donated, Thank You!Game of the Week WinnerVIP MemberWii OwnerHero of TimeGOTM Winner! - November 2009I am an April Fool
31st December, 2011 at 03:33:10 -

I'm honestly surprised i haven't been banned yet. Not just for this, things i said to other people in the past too. Sorry Shab ill stop.


Knudde (Shab)



Has Donated, Thank You!Clickzine StaffKlikCast StarVIP MemberGhostbuster!Dos Rules!I donated an open source project
31st December, 2011 at 06:04:38 -

Thank you guys. I mean it.

Craps, I'm an old man!


Nordanrikets konung


VIP Member
3rd January, 2012 at 00:19:15 -

Hey, people send me insulting trophies all the time. I don't see knubbe doing anything about THAT. I guess it's OK to do that when a use ris considered a troll. THe only time I've crossed the line was when I said something about some polish guy. I got a warn for that.

One another subject it looks kind of craxy with diffrent types of smileys. And where is the smmoth borders? Ever heard of PNG24?!

This forum is full of trolls and disinfo agents.


Nordanrikets konung


VIP Member
3rd January, 2012 at 00:35:41 -

-Adam- received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Fordom on Today
Comment: "Troll!"
-Adam- received a "Helping" trophy from Fordom on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "Adam who?!"
-Adam- received a "Helping" trophy from Ricky on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "fat shy fuck"
-Adam- received a "Helping" trophy from Ricky on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "Crazy Nationalist"
-Adam- received a "Helping" trophy from Ricky on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "Crazy Nationalist"
-Adam- received a "Helping" trophy from Ricky on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "Crazy Nationalist"
-Adam- received a "Helping" trophy from Ricky on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "Crazy Nationalist"
-Adam- received a "Helping" trophy from Ricky on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "Crazy Nationalist"
-Adam- received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from MasterM on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Fat fuck and forum troll"


Admin Note
  Did you not read what Shab said? Stop pushing the boundaries or a warning or ban will be placed

This forum is full of trolls and disinfo agents.

Knudde (Shab)



Has Donated, Thank You!Clickzine StaffKlikCast StarVIP MemberGhostbuster!Dos Rules!I donated an open source project
5th January, 2012 at 20:44:40 -

There is a "report" feature on this site. We don't look at peoples trophies. We have too many members to go through everyone's trophies. If someone gives you a trophy like that, report it. Admins are not psychic and we can't be blamed for YOU not reporting it.

Craps, I'm an old man!


Nothing to see here turn back


VIP Member
5th January, 2012 at 20:49:51 -

>Admins are not psychic


Professional vaporware developer

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Worth A Click