The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. General Chat ::. (comedy gold) OMFG first game = big ass RPG ; n00b fail

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I am an April Fool
29th January, 2011 at 16:35:23 -

So there is this guy on NEWGROUNDS who wants to make this big ass RPG in TGF 2 Newgrounds Edition.

The whole thing is just doomed to fail but it just made me laugh so badly how much this guy is overestimating himself (you don't need to CODE in click products so what's the problem?).

Note: He is doing this for University and needs to finish an alpha for an RPG in April which takes a lot of different decisions to make into account.

The guy thinks doing an RPG is pretty easy and somebody else tells him "no you are doomed" but he doesn't worry because with TGF's build in RPG movement it will surely be easy (sarcasm).

Have some little quote:

"Normally I'd agree, but the Clickteam software I think will be instrumental in streamlining a lot this. I'm not going to be writing a single line of code - I built a completely functional breakout game with bonuses and level advancement in under 3 hours with it!"

Great fucking job. He did the breakout tutorial that comes with MMF/TGF in 3 hours...

To read the whole luls go here


I just love how n00bs first project will be a big ass game and they think with MMF you don't need to THINK or work anymore. The program works like MAGIC! You just tell it what game you want to do and draw some PRETTY graphics, find sounds and the game is done BOOM




Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho


VIP MemberCardboard BoxThe Cake is a Lie
29th January, 2011 at 19:44:23 -

Yeah... he has no idea.

...Good luck with that RPG anyway.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
30th January, 2011 at 12:05:31 -

That is hilarious. The guy obviously has no idea.

I also suffered from big game fever years ago, I tried to make a GTA clone in TGF1 . Got the engine for walking around, getting in cars etc all done. Then came the realisation that I only had 3 alterable values. So AI players had to use a different simplified engine, and it the end it just looked and played awful and crashed more times than Windoze.




I am an April Fool
30th January, 2011 at 22:43:44 -

yeh i think people who are new to klik see they don't have to "code any line of code" and then they think the program works like MAGIC - typical n00b mistake which is so dangerous if you do it for your UNIVERSITY and they will GRADE you.


Eternal Man [EE]

Pitied the FOO


Game of the Week WinnerHero of TimeLOL SignI am an April Fool
30th January, 2011 at 23:15:45 -

Yeah, the big fail is not that he wants to create Heavy Rain 2, it's the fact that he is intent on doing it for his university education without even knowing the program. I feel bad for him...

Eternal Entertainment's Code'n'Art Man

E_E = All Indie

...actually Ell Endie, but whatever.

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