I love in a box, outside of the grocery store. Next to the blue container, were my friend Fred lives. He's a nice guy. Yeah, I've watched WWE a bit. A freind of mine have a TV. Well, I think he'a friend of mine... But he never locks the door, so I guess it's ok.
The content above makes absolutely no sense. But I guess you've already figured that out.
Okay you know what istvan, I'm tired of you. First of all, the way I spell is differnt, thank you, and if your going to pick with that, please. It's obvious that you brought it up by showing up here and making that remark, and if your going to cry about not being able to read, I'm going to have to belive you really can't because if I insulted you first, then what does that make all of the other stuff back in that other topic, the one that you should be complaining about it in. Let me quote you some.
"Shutup Gilgamesh"
"by typing all that rubbish"
"your subjective bullshit"
"by posting this damn topic"
"sounds like a complete tosser"
"please delete this trash"
If you think that the reading commment was an insult, please, I could get you on so many things, But unlike you, I'm trying to be polite. So if you want to talk more, you can go back to the other topic. But, since it's locked, you can just be quiet, or open your own topic to discuss it, and not bother us here in this topic, unless you can be civilized and talk about this topic. You seem to not know the rules. Let me spell out a few of them.
3. Users should not abuse other members.
4. Users should not use offensive or profane language.
5. Posts should not contain hateful, racially or ethnically offensive content.
6. Posts that contain misleading or erroneous information will be removed.
8. Users that impersonate another member will be deleted and permanently banned.
There's a list so there. Anyways, can we get back to the topic, let's just not say anything more of this unless you want to complain some more in another topic.
Back on topic. I live in a place that is advertized as "luxury living in the woods". And now I am convinced that it should just read, "living in the woods". That's what you get living in the US.
Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.
Thats a nice list there, but I only broke one that I can think of. And youve told me to keep on topic, but there you go referring to a totally different topic, that an Admin, Pete has already seen and locked and taken no action against me.
Your other Topic was highly offensive and I have no respect for you, it was locked because no one needed to hear your opinion on the already discussed topic of women in the DC. I enjoyed hearing you quote me, it was the first sensible thing youve said.
This topic was tedius and pointless, you couldve just done a DC search for the last 'where do you live' topic and resurrecting that. It seems youd rather spam the boards instead.
I have no plans on getting banned, I dont think Ive broken anything that deserves my banning either. I think this arguement should cease, as we are getting no where, I will continue to look unkindly on you, but I wont mention it on the boards anymore if youve grown so tired.
Sorry to anyone else who've had to listen to this. Except Ashman, he enjoys the excitement of a good cat-fight.
'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
I agree as well, and I honor you for giving me a good argument. But there are no need for grudges, so I apologize for offending you, and I hope that you can forgive me for doing so.
Anyways, I don't see anything wrong with this topic, but if it is annoying, sorry, my bad.