Sounds very different. You put in a bunch of overlapping backround beats. Thats usally the way i do it. Oh and you can reduce your time signature to 3/1.
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"Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything, it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you."
My composition professor would smack the hell out of me if I used it.
For 21/8, the idea is 7 beats of 3 eighth notes. For 24/8, it's 8 beats of 3 eighth notes (I could've used 12/8 or even 6/8 and just shorten the bars, but I was on a roll). While in MIDI, 3/1 would've done the same thing as 24/8, musically, it's saying I have 3 beats when I really have 8.
If wishes were fishes then we'd all smell like ladies' underwear.
Try writing a MOD in a complex time signature. You can't do it. That's because patterns in MOD's can only have a total number of slots that are squares of 2 (64, 128, 256, etc.).
It might be possible to write a 3/4 song in MOD - but it would be near impossible to write a decent jazz song (where the meter is 12/8 ) without having a ludicrous number of patterns.
MOD's are good if you're doing a song in a simple meter.
Come on - just try to do a MOD in 7/4 or 5/4.
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If wishes were fishes then we'd all smell like ladies' underwear.
Evil Monkey, your hatred toward MIDIs is starting to be seriously annoying. I've seen many of your posts here and it seems like the only thing you can say is "MIDIs suck, use MODs". Unless you have something meaningful to say in the way that MIDIs do suck, do everyone a service and just stay out of every thread related to them. Until you manage to advance meaningful arguments concerning why you hate MIDIs so much, I'm labelling you as a worthless troll.
Just in case you didn't knew, MIDI has always been a standard for tons of music-related jobs and you'll also notice that very few of them actually use MOD due to it's limits. It doesn't treat itself well to some musical styles due to the lack of features on these tracker programs. Trying to go around these limits take an awful lot of time and isn't worth the time in the end, especially when there are programs which can accomplish the same thing but are far more straight-forward and provide better results. MIDI get really powerful when you have some synthesizers to play your MIDIs on; MIDI emulation just isn't the best when it comes to computer soundcards so that might be the only reason why you hate them. MIDI is simply a lot more versatile format as a whole than MOD.
Bo Fu: 7/4 and 5/4 are highly possible to do in a MOD. You just need to use patterns which are comprised of 80 bars for 5/4 and 112 bars for 7/4. This way, you'll easily manage to keep together a MOD with such a time mesure. MOD can actually do a lot, but I just find the process of creating a MOD too cumbersome. Making a song takes practically forever seeing I'm never happy with the results so I spent about 1/10 of my time composing a MOD, the last 9/10 are spent eternally tweaking it. I'd rather stick with MIDI, you get good sounding tunes made within an acceptable timeframe.