This entry is quite different to the other's we've seen. It can be loosely described as a tactical warfare game based in a winter environment. The graphics can be described from average to pretty bland - the stages are just too white and grey... and dare I say it, boring to look at. However, all the elements are there in this game - the purchasing of weapons, upgrades, and vehicles, as well as a radar map showing you the position of the enemy. The enemy themselves - consisting of tanks and infantry, have really, really basic AI, and the only real challenge is surviving the onslaught of bullets fired by these guys! It's quite fun however, to squish the enemies with the tank, but otherwise, I have to say I didn't really enjoy this game. That said though, all credit to the author for trying something different.
This was a nice little game, with only the presentation and graphics letting it down. The objectives and such were repetitive, and in some cases too easy. It
was fun to some extent, but it just lacked quality (such as when you fail a mission, it doesn't actually tell you and/or tell you why you failed. The
mini-map and objective screens are a nice touch, as is the buy upgrades system. The only real winter theme is the fact that the levels have snow in them, and
the game just lacks a final polish. But overall it was quite fun and made a nice change from the other entries.
Graphics - The game has some good visuals, but sometimes all the white in the game is a bit much. The objects don't contrast
that well and it can be sometimes hard to see.
Audio - There's audio in most parts of the game and it's quite appropriate.
Winter theme - There's lots of snow and whiteness! So pretty good job there.
Gameplay - The levels are either really easy or really hard, (I did the easy difficulty). However the game is quite fun to
play. Upgrades and different tank types are a very good idea to keep the player interested for longer BUT it feels like there
are just too many options.
How is the player to know the difference between an AIFV and an HT? I have no tank knowledge so I found this a little
daunting at first. I just picked a random tank and the bigger cannon size then went for it. Also, the player should be able
to look at options that they cannot afford, so they can see what they should buy next. It would be better if you used
picture buttons instead of words and numbers, it's hard to know which options are better, but I'm sure most people would
realize that the further right options, and the more expensive ones are better.
I liked the way you could destroy the background buildings and barriers, that was cool. The AI was fairly intelligent as well.
They would respond to attacks and spot you. Maybe they should have moved a bit more though, to make things more interesting?
There are also a great deal of levels in this game which took a long time to complete, good job on that.
Programming - You can shoot enemies off-screen, however you may have intended this to be the case. This is a problem with
gameplay as well as programming. It is easy for me as a player to just sit still and use my minimap to aim in the direction
of enemies. All I have to do is fire off a round and see if the dot disappears from my minimap. The enemy does not return