An abomination - deserves to lose this competition. It's basically a poo with flies hovering around it. Click on it and a sound effect is played - and occasionally, for some reason, the cantina music from Star Wars. Worst competition entry I've ever seen in my life and a complete pile of... um, crap.
If I wanted to have a turd on my desktop, then this would be nice. But I'm afraid I don't. You can't even move the turd, at least I don't think you can. But
yeh, that's pretty much all I have to say about this. Nice effort Pixelthief!
With all the hype surrounding this game it's disappointing to see that it failed to deliver. I was really expecting big
things from Turd. The title sounds as if it would be a quality game full of adventure and chaos however even behind the
mastery of the title, the game is at best, lacking in fun. The code is inefficient and dodgy. There are two sound effects. There is no gameplay. The only winter theme is that people
take turds in winter. There are two different graphics.