Well I don't post much on here, but thought this might come in handy for anyone intereted in multiplayer prediciton. Or anyone wanting to do a bezier curve.

Vitalize demo

As its not entirely sensible to write-out how to do the events. I have included the source code (mmf 1.5):

The basics of this is just a for loop (done with a fastloop), which loops for t amount of times, and pastes an active object at the calculated X,Y position.

Here is the formula for anyone intereted:

(blitz basic version)
pointx# = startx*(1-t)^3 + 3*point1x*(1-t)^2*t + 3*point2x*(1-t)*t^2 + endx*t^3

pointy# = starty*(1-t)^3 + 3*point1y*(1-t)^2*t + 3*point2y*(1-t)*t^2 + endy*t^3

(mmf version)
Set counter(pointx#)
X( start ) * ( ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) ) + 3.0 * X( point ) * ( ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) ) * value( t# ) + 3.0 * X( point 2 ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( value( t# ) * value( t# ) ) + X( end ) * ( value( t# ) * value( t# ) * value( t# ) )

Set counter(pointy#)
Y( start ) * ( ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) ) + 3.0 * Y( point ) * ( ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) ) * value( t# ) + 3.0 * Y( point 2 ) * ( 1 - value( t# ) ) * ( value( t# ) * value( t# ) ) + Y( end ) * ( value( t# ) * value( t# ) * value( t# ) )

This is as complicated as it looks for a begginer. So as to not blow your minds, you simply can ignore this.

There is more to it than just the equation above, but that is the heart of the system to draw indervidual points on your bezier curve. If you check the source in mmf, you will see...

Anyway, I know this is probably a little flimsy for an article, but there was no other appropriate place to post some source code. Hope it comes in handy.