Im really bored right now and i have nothing better to do, so i think ill get around to writing this article.

First off,your game needs and original character and a good storyline. If its been done before, do your best to think of something else. Next you need to make the graphics. Heres something i see a lot in click games: Do not use different types of graphics. Stick with one style of art and leave it that way. Also dont use ripped graphics unless you really need to. Meaning if you making a fan game or just really suck at drawing in paint or photoshop or whatever. Then you need you music. Find somthing original that goes good with the overall feel of the game and levels. Having people make you music using midi creation stuff is also a good idea. And last of all, include whatever is needed in the .zip folder. If you made a engine or tutorial, include all the extensions that are needed so the person using it doesnt have to find them. Also include the cncs232.dll or whatever .dll is required for the games factory. A lot of times i have downloaded a game here, only for it to say a certain extension is missing. Im sure im not the only one too.
Anyway i hope this article helps you all and happy clicking.