Rather then writing an entire new article concerning this subject, I'll simply copy and paste the conversation held in #Natomic, the topic of which I felt needed to be addressed and shared with the rest of the community:

<Spydaman[n]> you know what I've realised. klikking isn't fun for me anymore
<[O3]Nitro> Everyone reaches that stage eventually
<Akira[n]> no don't listen to ben! it's fun!
<[O3]Nitro> If your not careful it turns into a chore!
<Spydaman[n]> I think the reason is because back in the day, it was all about klikking for fun or for the sake of it. Now it's all about making the next big thing or making something revolutionary. It's all about impressing people and that just takes the fun out of it and makes it more of a chore. If you're doing it for fun, it doesn't matter if people bash it because it was all just for fun. Thats what's wrong with the community
<[O3]Nitro> Thats why after NBB to make some crazy games
<[O3]Nitro> because I wanna have a laugh while I make them
<Spydaman[n]> and thats why newbies are so put off. They realise they have to make games to impress, not for fun, to get noticed in this community and to be honest that sux. That's why some people bashed ED. For all purposes it was a fun game made for the fun of it yet everyone else treated it like it was sposed to be a frickin massiah and were dissapointed when it didn't lead them to the promised land.
<[O3]Nitro> Yeah
<Solid_> I agree
<Akira[n]> yeh
<Akira[n]> I always wanted to make a good game that people would remember me for as a newbi but now I just wanna make something that's fun
<Solid_> I dunno, maybe that's the reason I always try and go big when making a game..include the stuff I like in professional games and attempt to be innovative with the rest of it
<[O3]Nitro> I'm glad I got out of the click community
<Spydaman[n]> thats one reason why gng isn't as fun as it was cos now I feel I'm making it just to impress or to beat the competition. I didn't start on the game to do that. I just wanted to make a ninja game for the community
<Spydaman[n]> yeah I know but being forced to compete is
<Solid_> true
<Spydaman[n]> it doesn't give your game a fair chance people are always gonna judge it compared to the competition rather then what it is in itself
<Mark-P[n]MMF> true but a good game is still a good game regardless, and its going to be played

So there you have it more or less. Wanted to know whats wrong with this frickin community? That's one reason. It's falling apart because new talent, realised or potential, is leaving before it's had the chance to blossom and those who have been around for awhile are leaving because they're losing interest. With nobody to replace those who leave the community will fall. And also all this BS with click site wars. One is better than none, two is better, 5 or so is brilliant. We need all the sites we can get. Somebody brings up a new site. Do most peeps support them if their name isn't Rikus, Andi or ChrisD? (no offense to either) Noooooooooooooooo. Like Ferg, least the guys bloody tried but all most peeps can do is slag him off. And if I've ever said a bad word about any other site I take it back cos it ain't right. We should be working to help eachother out not slag eachother off. I don't care how much you hate circy, why not give him a hand for once? I don't care how much you hate that game, give other peoples views a chance. I don't care how crap you think that game looks, give it a try before you kill it off. There hasn't really been anything to trigger this off but I really feel like I could leave the community cos it ain't a nice place to be (with the exception of a few sites, a few peeps and a few chatrooms). Here's a word of advice, you feel you're making your game to impress others or start a klik revolution dump it or forget about it. Make it cos you want to. Make it cos it's fun, don't make it to please others you make it to please yourself. If you feel better about yourself after you've finished it then you've done a good job. The community was great back in the day. Really awesome. The community of today is a s**thouse. And before anyone get's the wrong idea, I'm not blaming or pointing at individuals, I'm looking at the collective result. As the wise K once said "The person is smart, people are vicious animals.." in the same way, the klikker is a cool nice guy/gal, the community is a heartless bitch.

Peace to all mah fellow klikkers & peeps
Props to all mah enemies.

Spydaman -_-