What do you wish you could do with MMF that you can't?
I wish we could refer to objects by using an expression, like:
Set X coordinate of "Active Object + " value(counter) to 100.
I also wish there was support for simple polygons. I don't need Lightwave or Maya animation importing options, just basic, simple shapes. I'm thinking of Yoshi's Island (SNES) and how certain objects were polygons.
In most cases (like those above) it's arguable that it can be achieved through workarounds and horribly complex events. However, I'm talking natively, supported in MMF.
I could have sworn that sometime last year there was some info on the front page about the runtime for android being complete? It said that you could only compile it via command line at the moment.
Better active object differentiation and selection, support for vector graphics, and a way to run two instances of the same application with one button click (for online game testing).
An unlimited number of alterable/global "variables" (no need for separate values and strings), and the ability to define new ones at runtime. Also, "alterable arrays" (arrays which are local to each instance of an object - I know you can simulate that quite easily already though).
Max() and Min() functions to allow me to compare as many values as I want.
"Max( ValueA, Max( ValueB, Max( ValueC, ValueD )))" is just retarded
To be able to just say "Position Active at 0,0 from MouseCursor", instead of "set X(Active) to X(Mouse); set Y(Active) to Y(Mouse)".
To be able to export the event list as a plain text file (and obviously import it again) so I could write events in notepad or post the source online more easily, or whatever.
I'm pretty sure I could come up with a lot more...
I like Lembi and OMCs suggetsions too.
There is already an active vector extension on the way, although there's no runtime version yet, so you can't compile an exe using it - it will support svg apparently
I actually think the object selection system is okay once you get the hang of it, and I certainly can't think of a better way to do it. Plus changing it now would affect backwards-compatibility too much.