The Clickzine is back! |
News posted 8th November, 2006 by Flava
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I'm quite sure a few of you will remember the old Clickzine - an online 'magazine' (which featured reviews, previews, articles and interviews) of which an issue was planned for every month. We only managed to released one issue, and we found it difficult to find the time to write articles and get another issue out on time (maybe we were a bit lazy though!).
We obviously discussed these problems, and we really didn't want to give up on the project. The Clickzine also wasn't very popular, and we didn't really get much feedback at all. Therefore we decided to completely change the Clickzine, and go for a blog system in which our editors can post mini style reviews, previews, news, articles, guides .etc. This means you don't have much to read, plus you can post comments about the article or the game mentioned in the article.
After purchasing some hosting and a domain, I uploaded a blog system and we all gave our opinions on the style and design. We decided to go for a simple blue/silver type look - and you can view the new Clickzine by clicking below. We have already posted a few reviews, previews and guides - and we'd love to have your feedback so that we can make the site even better. As the Clickzine is considered as The Daily Click's official online magazine, I'll try and get Clubsoft to put a link on the DC navigator! Please do post feedback in the comments of this news post. Thanks to everybody who helped out also - expect much more content shortly! Also a special thanks to Chris/Circy for helping me set the zine up!
Click here to visit the new Clickzine, over at