The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Unrelenting vol 2

Project: Unrelenting vol 2
Project Started: 26th June, 2004 Last Update: 26th June, 2004
Project Owner: Willy C Project Members:
Project Type: Action Project Progress:

Project Overview  
This is a very early preview of Unrelenting vol 2. Anyone can try vol 1 here: . Unrelenting is a team based stealth/Infiltrate game, but also team based mindless shooting .

What Ive keept from vol 1:
- You are able to command your friends, three commands: stop, follow me, go to a position.
- use the: w,a,s,d and mouse to control movment and aim.
- and more...

What I have improved from vol 1:
- Improved saving sytem, not diffrent slots, I dont find that any usefull.
- every enemy is on a path movment, this makes it easier to stab them in the back when you know their patrol area.
- Taco told me he would do my sprites, but I havnt heard from him in weeks. But with or without him there will be better ghrapics
- I have 1 music composer pluss 2 that need to see my new game in action before they deside, so expect original midis.
- basicly many bugs are fixed
- I have used some fansy grouping coding in the game, so that using diffrent characters as enemies or friends would be easy. I can just make a active object, make the group bad, adjust his health and small stuff, and I have myself another enemy. pretty neat.
- more guns this time
- probably something more, cant remember

Note that the first two pictures are from my test level, so that the tiles are not finished. And the third picture is a draft of the menu, but I dont think Il use it, its too....photoshop, if you get my drift.

expect another preview soon, then with a video or demo.

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