The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Combatant

Project: Combatant
Project Started: 16th November, 2008 Last Update: 18th July, 2010
Project Owner: Muz Project Members:
Project Type: Turn-based RPG Project Progress:

Aging system coded
Posted 15th Dec 08, by Muz  
I blame Fallout 3 for my slow progress

8 days and I've only done the aging system. It's hard coded too, it'll be a problem if I have to change it. And it's temporary and ugly - stats go up or down linearly in the age categories, without any randomness. I could've made an editor for it, but it wasn't really worth the time or extra memory.

To be fair, it wasn't easy. The aging formula is

It took me 4 days to figure out what do and 3 to figure how to do it. Heh, enough excuses for my incompetence

What this means is that you could predict how your character ages and your character will die of old age when the Health reaches 0 or less.

I don't like how it makes the game mechanics stick out. But I'll probably solve that by hiding the stats, and making them words (good, very good, poor) instead of numbers.

Well, what I do like is that the stats are much more average in this game than other games. There's a bit of variety, but otherwise, most people have very close stats, with a very exceptionally high and low ones. I'm thinking of maybe rigging the stats to make it less random and more based on starting choices. That's the first custom bloat for the game

Dec 17 edit: I spent 2 days fixing a bug. See that formula above? The denominator is supposed to be (AgeMax-AgeMin)^2 I hate bugs so much

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