The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Create-Destroy Platformer

Project: Create-Destroy Platformer
Project Started: 13th September, 2012 Last Update: 3rd April, 2013
Project Owner: s-m-r Project Members:
Project Type: Old-Skool Platformer Project Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 1

CDP: Simple Robot AI: DONE
Posted 18th Oct 12, by s-m-r  
DONE: 4. "Robot" AI enemies.

I've implemented some simple robots (including butt-ugly placeholder artwork) that will attack the player.

- they move back and forth, changing direction once they collide with some invisible detectors.
- they have a line of sight, beyond which the player won't be targeted.
- when their line of sight overlaps the player, they will start an internal timer that enables them to repeatedly shoot at the player until they're no longer there.
- the player's plasma gun will damage and eventually destroy the robots. They can be easily dispatched from behind.

I've not solved my issue with the player being stuck on top of piledrivers, so I may simply work around that for now. But with these recent developments I'm ready to create another test level with the new stuff implemented:
- proximity mines
- piledrivers
- simple robot AI
- deadfalls and falling blocks

Seeking out a pixel artist may be coming closer to the fore, but I also want to plot out some kind of storyline and gameplay mechanics to go from one level to the next. I have a handful of ideas (well...more like one significant idea and a couple offshoots), but they're all sorta just bouncing around in my head at the moment. A storyline, mock-ups of menu screens, and a few other assets are more important right now before I go into the finer details of artwork.

Incidentally, I had some excellent job interview experiences this week and may have some sustainable income relatively soon.

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