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Project: RPG Open Source
Project Started: 8th December, 2008 Last Update: 26th January, 2009
Project Owner: Jason Orme Project Members: Fanotherpg Master Maker
Project Type: Open Source RPG Engine Project Progress:


Public Forum ::. Target & Atack System - [OUTDATED]

Posted By Message

Master Maker

22nd December, 2008

I fixes bug in the Target & Attack system.

Wait am preparing a new inventory system, a new system the drop items, with items randomly but limited for each monster.

I ask only one thing to create graphics for the project.

Thank you. Until the next update like I am working for it ...

Master Maker - The Good Maker
99% Maker..

Jason Orme

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22nd December, 2008

This is good although I wouldnt worry about the graphics at this point in the project as this project will just be a template to make an rpg from.

I can't understand what you have done with the project and the changes you have made
could you please list the changes made.

Also, I like the list object you have added I can certainly see it being helpful, but I don't know where you are getting these Attack figures from that it shows when attacking as it just seems to keep going up and up the more I fight (which shouldnt be the case),especially when the counter above the monsters head when hit shows a different number.

Also keep in mind the attack dmg and speed you do is based on the weapon you have equipped, will your coding be able to support that?

How long do you think it will take you to come up with an inventory system, as this is holding me back the most at the moment.

Thanks for your contribution and I hope to see more from you

Master Maker

22nd December, 2008

I made the following changes:
+ Put all the values in global values, such as, ATK, DEF, ATK Time, time remaining for ATK, Experience, both in character as the monster. See the Global Values attributes.
+ Got some things in the system and target of attack.
+ Best little at the time of attack, based on 0:50 ms, then it is the time of attack, 3, 3 * 0.5 = 1.5 = 1 second and 50 milliseconds, each attack.

The inventory system has to be completely revamped because the activities that are of invetario can not leave it, or you can make a formula that creation of the number of items you have in the inventory, type:

X = 4
Y = 4


to create a formula where the objects in order.

Loop "Pick"
+ Create "SWORD"
+ Set Pos X "SWORD" = (NObjects( "Group.Good" )/4*32)+1
+ Set Pos Y "SWORD" = (NObjects( "Group.Good" )/4*32)+1

something like this, the math is not much to my specialty.

Master Maker - The Good Maker
99% Maker..


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