Posted By
Deleted User
31st October, 2008 at 17:36:06 -
I need help programing this game im making i need the Change shape of sprite help.
nim Registered 17/05/2002
Points 7234
31st October, 2008 at 17:55:03 -
You can resize x and y, but otherwise, no.
Hope this helps. I'm really looking forward to Contra, Double Dragon and Silent Hill!!!!!! Edited by the Author.
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
31st October, 2008 at 18:22:32 -
The games factory 1 has a nice Morph tool. Where you can put two pictures in an active object animation and tell it how many in between frames to make.
I don't think it is in MMF 1 or MMF 2 because no one used it.
Registered 18/05/2008
Points 1242
31st October, 2008 at 18:53:54 -
Try using some Playdo.
No loves Left For Dead 2Registered 28/12/2006
Points 4000
31st October, 2008 at 19:07:02 -
:/ i posted in the wrong thread
please ignore this post Edited by the Author.
Deleted User
31st October, 2008 at 19:20:20 -
Playdo? Well I know about that tool but I need a object to change shape at a certain part of the game.
OMC What a goofballRegistered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
31st October, 2008 at 19:26:08 -
>_> Oh gosh. You've never used playdough? You can use the morph tool to make an animation, and then make that animation play when needed.
Deleted User
31st October, 2008 at 19:47:58 -
OH! I got it thanks. Now is there a Timer you can use so after times up it changes back?
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
1st November, 2008 at 00:41:06 -
Could you please rephrase the question?
OMC What a goofballRegistered 21/05/2007
Points 3516
1st November, 2008 at 01:53:15 -
Depending on your set up, it might return to standard animation when it's over.
Rephrase the question, por favor... >_O
Deleted User
4th November, 2008 at 21:50:38 -
It's one shape for 5 seconds then when times up it turns back into it's original shape. Thats what I'm looking for.
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
4th November, 2008 at 22:06:46 -
take a value, any value. It can be a counter or an alterable value.
when the player changes shape set the value to a number (the higher, the longer he will stay changed)
when the counter is more than 0 --> subtract 1
Once when the counter is 0 --> change back. (its important to say once when event loops)
Deleted User
5th November, 2008 at 20:00:33 -
Ok but after he changes back could I put another timer so it goes back and forth Until he dies?