The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Team Projects ::. Need help for Little Big Planet 2D

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22nd February, 2011 at 05:48:01 -

I am working on a fangame called Little Big Planet 2D, often called LBP2D. You can find this game at A download of the beta/unfinished product is available on this site as well. This is a huge project, and some of the help i need are; *This game IS created in multimedia fusion 2*
A Server coder (for logging in,registering,uploading levels, etc.)
Level Designer
Website Coder
and a very good multimedia fusion 2 coder/programmer.

Check out Project Float at:




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22nd February, 2011 at 16:23:58 -

I saw this on clickteam forums a while back.

Like I said before, I really think you should make your own game out of this.

Why go to all this trouble to make a fan game?

Seems like a waste of talent to me.



22nd February, 2011 at 18:08:41 -

Originally Posted by UrbanMonk
I saw this on clickteam forums a while back.

Like I said before, I really think you should make your own game out of this.

Why go to all this trouble to make a fan game?

Seems like a waste of talent to me.

I agree with you, I would love to do something original. But i started this, and i want to finish it. Plus, this has gotten me known. And now if i release an original game, my fans of lbp2d will most likely want to download it. So, thats why im starting with fangames. They seem to be the more popular games. Anyways, are you able to help the project?

Check out Project Float at:


Hero of Time Jr


VIP MemberI donated an open source project
25th February, 2011 at 00:30:30 -

I'm a decent MMF2 coder, though I am far from amazing, and I can design levels if you need me too.

If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.
The rest of them will write Perl programs.


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Candy Cane
25th February, 2011 at 01:13:26 -

I can see why someone would make a fan game of Mario or Sonic, but LBP? Its one of my favourite games, but there's no way you'll be able to make an experience that matches the original games IMHO



Possibly Insane

25th February, 2011 at 20:13:39 -

I am not sure that every super mario or sonic clone recreates the original experience, but that's not purpose of a fan game or is it?

There is a 2D version of half life in the works, that will never give me the original experience but it might still be a good one though.

The same thing could hold true for this fan game of Little Big Planet.

I would love to join some teams and do something useful but at the moment I've very little spare time and what I've left will go into my various html5canvas works along with the upcoming Hooghaar Classic. So I sorry I can't help out with coding a website, design a level or draw a sprite.



26th February, 2011 at 18:18:12 -

Originally Posted by monkeythreat
I'm a decent MMF2 coder, though I am far from amazing, and I can design levels if you need me too.

Decent sounds good enough for me

Check out Project Float at:

Jon C-B

I create vaporware


I'm an alien!VIP MemberWii OwnerI donated an open source project Santa Hat
26th February, 2011 at 20:25:59 -

not to be rude but what would you do if not code, design levels, or make the graphics?



27th February, 2011 at 11:08:13 -

Originally Posted by Jon C-B
not to be rude but what would you do if not code, design levels, or make the graphics?

Website coder, Run the servers (have to be running 24/7), Voice Actor (the voice for the tutorial), Flash Animator (trailers, tutorial videos, etc..), Music Maker, Sound Effect Maker, Promoter (helps advertise and spread word about the game). A lot of things. :3 (This is a huge project. Not just coding, level designing, and spriting are needed.)

Check out Project Float at:


Hero of Time Jr


VIP MemberI donated an open source project
28th February, 2011 at 22:52:42 -

Originally Posted by tristanjmnz

Originally Posted by monkeythreat
I'm a decent MMF2 coder, though I am far from amazing, and I can design levels if you need me too.

Decent sounds good enough for me

Cool. Just tell me what you need (here, through pm, or through email) and I will let you know what I can do. Please note that until summer I will not be able to devote more than an hour or so to this project every day,since I have some AP tests coming up in a few months...

I don't know how well the coding your own games will go, as MMF2 isn't a language,but I can look into various ways to fake it and give plenty of features.

Edited by monkeytherat

If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.
The rest of them will write Perl programs.


Slow-Motion Riot


1st March, 2011 at 12:37:12 -

Good luck on your project! I'm personally swamped at the moment, or else I would step up and contribute.

Best of success to you.



10th March, 2011 at 04:31:11 -

Originally Posted by monkeythreat

Originally Posted by tristanjmnz

Originally Posted by monkeythreat
I'm a decent MMF2 coder, though I am far from amazing, and I can design levels if you need me too.

Decent sounds good enough for me

Cool. Just tell me what you need (here, through pm, or through email) and I will let you know what I can do. Please note that until summer I will not be able to devote more than an hour or so to this project every day,since I have some AP tests coming up in a few months...

I don't know how well the coding your own games will go, as MMF2 isn't a language,but I can look into various ways to fake it and give plenty of features.

Sorry, for late replies.. But i have a lot of sites and forums i browse through and i forgot about this one. If you are still interested email me at

Check out Project Float at:


10th March, 2011 at 23:57:48 -

Originally Posted by monkeythreat

Originally Posted by tristanjmnz

Originally Posted by monkeythreat
I'm a decent MMF2 coder, though I am far from amazing, and I can design levels if you need me too.

Decent sounds good enough for me

Cool. Just tell me what you need (here, through pm, or through email) and I will let you know what I can do. Please note that until summer I will not be able to devote more than an hour or so to this project every day,since I have some AP tests coming up in a few months...

I don't know how well the coding your own games will go, as MMF2 isn't a language,but I can look into various ways to fake it and give plenty of features.

Sorry, for late replies.. But i have a lot of sites and forums i browse through and i forgot about this one. If you are still interested email me at

Check out Project Float at:


Nordanrikets konung


VIP Member
17th June, 2011 at 00:08:39 -


This forum is full of trolls and disinfo agents.


Thelonious Dunc


VIP Member
17th June, 2011 at 01:47:09 -

Look out Fordom! A brown person!


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