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Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 14:08:42 -

I was on the bog today, and it got me thinking about things I hate. So when I got back to the computer, I seriously had nothing better to do than compile a list of ten random things I hate in life. So, in no particluar order:

1. Mayonaise / Mayo / Colslaw / Salad Cream
2. Pointless cash-in remakes of films
3. Any form of censorship
4. When the two layers of toilet paper become un-alligned
5. Townies / Wiggas / Teenie Boppers / Pop-lemmings
6. Most types of cheese, excluding Mozerella and the fake plastic stuff
7. Soap operas
8. Reality-TV, especially Big Brother and Pop Idol
9. Hard drugs and hard drug addicts
10. People complaining or casuing trouble for the sake of it, when really there's no good reason.

Now, everyone else post their top ten list of pet peeves.

Image Edited by the Author.


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
19th September, 2003 at 14:20:40 -

Again, like Trev, in no particular order:

1. Townies.
2. Meeting the Ancestors.
3. Being made to eat vegetables when I eat plenty of fruit.
4. The Government.
5. Doing a mint fart and no one hearing it.
6. Smirnoff Ice.
7. Drunkards.
8. Wasps.
9. Injections.
10. Pop Music. - Listen to my music.

Meikle - SE

19th September, 2003 at 14:32:07 -

2.English subject
3.Mrs Marshall(english teacher)
5.Being Wrong
9.Gay Townies
10.Rich people/spoilt children


Possibly Insane

19th September, 2003 at 14:35:54 -

1. People who say they're drunk and\or stoned for the sake of sounding cool, even if they're not
2. elitists
3. Will young (who doesn't)
4. Gareth gates (ditto)
5. the way they force us to watch the 3rd matrix film just to see what happens (let's face it, the 2nd one sucked compared to the original)
6. censorship, like trev'
7. soaps
8. people who try to be cute by using "tha" instead of "the"
9. arrogant (\all) diablo 2 players (if you've been on before, you'd know)

Last but not least...

10. people who join a community site as an admin, add a few buggy scripts and do pathetic things like re-arranging the credits on the front page so their name is first, then have the nerve to threaten others through private messages without any substantial (or VALID) reason. (No names mentioned. They know who they are)

Image Edited by the Author.

"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

19th September, 2003 at 14:45:15 -

in no order:

1. fat people
2. rich people
3. arrogant people
4. townies, cackers, or anyone who follows a stupid trend
5. people who do drugs (in any form, inclding smokers)
6. people who fanitically follow football as if it was the be all and end all, or play it as such
7. fox hunters or anyone who causes undue pain to animals
8. pop idol, fame academy and the rest of them
9. people on MSN etc with long screenames incorporating lots of unnecessary characters
10 americans who think america is better than britain when it blatantly isn't.

wow. i'm such a hate-filled person.

if i had an 11, it would be people who share files on kazaa that have been recorded off the radio with a microphone. alas, there is no space.

Image Edited by the Author.


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 15:12:04 -

Hey Alex, Circy isn't there?!? Only kidding dude.
I could easily have a top 1000, but I tried to keep it down to 10. I forgot so many important ones, and most of them Pete mentioned, especially Football fanatics. I forgot how much I hate people who treat Football as more than a game. It's interesting though, Football has to be one of the only sports where a match can end without a winner, yet it has so many more followers than other sports. Give me Boxing any day.


Aali [Crazy_Productions]

19th September, 2003 at 15:14:12 -

now that was pointless Alex.... atleast put a '' after that

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 15:31:33 -

No, I think he was totally serious.

Anyway, keep em coming...



Possibly Insane

19th September, 2003 at 15:52:49 -

1. stupid n00bs(notice. i dont mean that n00bs are stupid)
2. my math teacher
3. homework
4. the fact that comps. cost way to much
5. bad fangames
6. n00bs that says that they are leet
7. mmf 2.0 hasnt came out yet
8. assult andy made me think that mmf 2.0 had come out a month ago and that ive missed it
9. looking after a new bios for my old p166mhz
10. playing half-life(including every mod) on the net

...for all cs fans: muhahahaha!

Beware of life far noone have survived it.......


The Smegster


VIP Member
19th September, 2003 at 16:08:49 -

In no order:

1. People who post posts like this
2. Homosexuals like noodle
3. Religion Haters
4. Fishhead haters (Pkeod)
5. Half-life Haters
6. Myself When I'm depressed
7. My Step Dad(well..)
8. Ps2 Haters
9. Dog rapists
10 Spiderhead (j/k)


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 16:22:08 -

I have to laugh every time I see Fire's profile.

Expert Member

Image Edited by the Author.



Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 16:33:02 -

No reason.


Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

19th September, 2003 at 16:36:42 -

handbags at dawn!


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 17:28:10 -

Contrary to what you think, Fire, I'm not actually Skeletor. He's an animated character from the He-Man cartoon.



Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 17:28:52 -

Anyway, this topic's about ten things we hate, so keep posting those lists.



Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 18:24:40 -

Ok then, I'll do another top ten, to keep things moving along.

1. Heineken lager, cos it tastes like fermented piss
2. Football hooligans
3. Bladers who hang round where we wanna skateboard
4. Pop music
5. Folk who force their religion and/or beliefs onto you
6. Selling out
7. People who inexplicably prefer the originals to the Star Wars Trilogy Special Editions
8. Cheaters on online deathmatches
9. People who put litter in their empty pint glasses at the pub
10. Companies that release a DVD, then months later release a Special Edition with much more stuff



Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 18:35:56 -

Damn, I have so much hatred. Here's a top 40, like Top of the Pops, cos nobody's playing anymore.

1. Remaking classic 80s cartoons into shitty modern versions.
2. When you're sure you had another beer left, then a trip to the fridge proves otherwise.
3. Superficial or shallow people.
4. Clowns. How fucking scary are they?
5. Children under 12 are mostly all really annoying.
6. Double standards.
7. People who can't take a joke.
8. You buy something one year, then the next, it's halved in price. Computers for example.
9. Shitty covers of songs that sound exactly the same as the original.
10. The phasing out of VHS.
11. Cardboard DVD cases, Warner Brothers DVDs for example.
12. Smoking in restaurants and other public places.
13. Cinema food prices.
14. Blaming crimes on films or video games.
15. Paedophiles. Sick bastards.
16. Mini-moshers who like crap mainstream rock.
17. Car insurrence prices. Rediculous.
18. Everyone calling upon me to do graphics for them because I happen to be able to draw.
19. Default sauces on food at fast-food restaurants. They should be supplied on demand.
20. When the place you can flawlessly navigate in the dark has an obsticle placed there without notice.
21. Multiple locks on doors. If burglars can get through one, they'll get through another.
22. How dumbed down Windows XP is.
23. Tactful opinions when the truth is needed.
24. When pubs have Murphey's instead of Guinness.
25. DVDs that don't fulfil their potential.
26. The original Blair Witch Project film.
27. Most musicals.
28. People trying to fill silences when there's no need to.
29. Womanisers.
30. Protestors. Now come on, does that ever work?
31. Any form of seafood.
32. Internet grudges, that's kinda pathetic.
33. Fake breasts, cos they look like balloons and feel like rocks.
34. Terrestrial TV, and it's stupid scheduelling of good shows.
35. Women's mind tricks and manipulation.
36. Extremely rich people being greedy for money they don't need.
37. People who have mobile phone conversations without trying to keep them private.
38. People who boast about their sex lives.
39. People who are into one particular subject far too much. Variety is the way to go.
40. Remaking classic 80s cartoons into shitty modern versions.

Image Edited by the Author.




19th September, 2003 at 19:57:08 -

You hate so much, don't you?

I'm not going to bother writing a list because all 9 of them were already mentioned. Hm, I need something/someone else to hate.



Oontz Oontz Oontz


VIP Member
19th September, 2003 at 20:27:11 -

Who said I hate fishhead? You dont even know me.

Faerie Solitaire - Get it now:


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
19th September, 2003 at 20:36:12 -

Hint hint.



19th September, 2003 at 21:04:12 -

So much poor would think we're the Iraqi Army.



The Smegster


VIP Member
19th September, 2003 at 21:35:22 -

well he did get an email from you saying u'd want to kill him, I don't know you? - that didnt stop you from wanting hosting did it, for all I know you could be a hacker..


Oontz Oontz Oontz


VIP Member
19th September, 2003 at 22:29:41 -

There is nothing I truely hate; and I already explained the rest of it... You posted that your server was back up; and that you would be able to host people - obviously that is why I asked if you were willing to host a few things, and finally you could say I am a hacker because the term is so wide and missued... but I wouldnt say it because I have not taken advantage of OBVIOUS security errors on many sites... ::cough::

Faerie Solitaire - Get it now:


20th September, 2003 at 00:48:49 -

"I have to laugh every time I see Fire's profile.

Expert Member" you don't really deserve it fire.

Hehe gotta agree And fire, if you wouldn't be at school, you would became h00ker, or some other trash ppl like that. And by the way, i found old he-man video tape at my shell. Gotta watch it, i like skeletor why the bad ppl always lose! Here is my list:

1.Fat ppl
2.Gay ppl
3.Drug / alcoholic ppl
6.My face's profile
8."games" that are just a way to get points
9.NB's with rating of expert
10.errr there isn't 10 thing or wait... cabbage?


Penguin Seph

20th September, 2003 at 03:06:03 -

My list:

1. The fact I can never finish making a game
2. The fact I don't have MMF
3. Townies
4. More townies
5. Drug addicts
6. Circy's avatar
7. The fact I can't find any good free hosting
8. Ps2 haters
9. People who think football is the most important thing in the world
10. Newbie's games posted to get points



Possibly Insane

20th September, 2003 at 03:19:12 -

Just the type of thread ya need.

I hate alot of things.

1. Inconsiderate arseholes who don't think of others in their own actions
2. Prejudice
3. Injustice
4. Hatred...oh hang on...yeah...I hate hatred...sounds right
5. Stupid friggen pop music/pop stars that focus on their lyrics, which are shit anyway, rather than the's not music if the music doesn't matter FFS!!!
6. Hangovers... got one right now as a matter of a fact...
7. Conformity
8. Like Trev, people who can't take a joke and are too fuckin serious...GET THE FUCKIN SPOON OUT YOUR ARSE!!!
9. The education system in general
10. The fact that alcohol isn't cheap! GODAMMIT!

...and about a million other things...I'm a hate filled man, even though I hate hatred...go figure!

Come and annoy me more at


Possibly Insane

20th September, 2003 at 04:04:35 -

11. homophobic scum

Image Edited by the Author.

"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
20th September, 2003 at 07:17:32 -

Take that back Jon!!!

Putting a smily face after it doesn't make it not insulting.

In fact I'm not gay (just like to clear that up). - Listen to my music.



VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
20th September, 2003 at 10:36:22 -

This is a hard one. I hate just about everything. But for my top 10, loosely ordered, from most hated to lesser hated:

1. The local education ministers, which destroys the lives of thousands each year due to the way they make their education system based purely on memorization, brainwashing, and 'refer to the text book', even when the 'text book' isn't right. They go on about 'our country is nice and peaceful and free of racism' and 'britain, portugal, and the dutch are evil' and other little tidbits. They also change entire grades for using the phrase "heat object X" instead of "strongly apply heat to object X" and don't even bother to assist the creative people who figure out problems instead of memorizing them.

Sorry about the rambling, but I've been REALLY pissed off with the results of my latest exam. If I was in America (yes, I've seen the American education system), I would be among the top students... but nooo, I had to be stuck in this stupid country. If I fail even one of the subjects I'm taking, I will literally kill & torture someone, most likely someone in the Education Ministry.

On to number 2...

2. People who stupidly think they're always right, like many of the ignorant Americans who still think that they're 'liberating Iraq' and that 'Yes, we have nuclear weapons, but we're not evil'.

3. 'Punks' who think they're cool just because they make ugly faces, beat up their girlfriends, poke holes in their bodies, and sing very poor quality songs. I could very easily beat any of them in a one-on-one battle, but they always mass up in groups.

4. Religious fanatics who foolishly believe everything their leader tells them, even if it contradicts with everything written in their "Holy Scripture". E.g. those "Muslim" terrorists who kill everyone, despite the fact that the Quran encourages peace.

5. People who use or abuse their power every chance they get. E.g. those government bastards who decided to ban a very useful weedkiller, just because "people were using it as poison".

6. "Educated" people who show off their wealth and bully others just because of their status. Especially the ones with PhDs who think that they're always right and that there's nothing more they can learn from anyone else.

7. Idiots who go for the next shiny thing they see. Usually those who run in the band that buy the latest Nokia handphones, pay for crappy ringtones, go for TMnet "coz the guy in the commercial plays Counter-Strike", and buy the VERY LOW quality food in McD just because the guys in the McD ad were 'hip'. I'd hate them sooo much more if only they weren't so exploitable.

8. "Scientific" minded people who take most religions too literally and come with the notion that "If God exists, we'd be denying everything that we know today". I mean, come on, there's probably a Greater Power out there who cares about what we believe in, but it's very likely that he prefers not to do anything that contradicts with science.

9. Capitalist bastards who have make people depend on them and try to control as much as they can then charge people for using their poor quality, buggy work. E.g. the idiots who made us pay to upgrade to MMF 1.5 and Microsoft.

10. People who hate everything and with little reason (except maybe jealousy and plain old bigotry). E.g. those idiots who always keep posting hateful comments about games like "4 MB? I'm not download something like that coz my granma could do a better screenshot". Usually not a problem unless they're combined with points 5 & 7.

Come to think of it, this puts myself somewhere on the list. But that makes sense. I'm such a hateful person, including myself.

I wish I could add a number 11: People who think that death is a bad thing, but I've said too much already.

Image Edited by the Author.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
20th September, 2003 at 11:37:25 -

I never pretend that I'm a she.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.



The Smegster


VIP Member
20th September, 2003 at 12:41:05 -

noodles? - well your the one who showed me a pic of you tongue kissing another guy..


Evil Faker

20th September, 2003 at 12:49:51 -

in no paticular order:
1) Circy's avatars
2) Circy with no top on
3) the pciture that jon mentioned *shudders*
4) people who insult other people in nearly every post. This means you alex and fire!
5) people who post long posts
6) strange avatars (like JonWoG's)
7) Microsoft
9) stupid errors in things
10) learning foreign languages

My signature is never too big!!!

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
20th September, 2003 at 12:51:37 -

I TOLD you, it was camera trickery.

Can you not see his head is miles smaller than mine? That's because he's actually behind me and we lined up our tongues so it looked like we were touching each others.

LOL! That was a funny night. - Listen to my music.


The Smegster


VIP Member
20th September, 2003 at 13:09:22 -

Yeah I know it was, but as you see noodles the above message was a joke..


Evil Faker

20th September, 2003 at 13:16:14 -

thats made my day fire

My signature is never too big!!!


20th September, 2003 at 17:36:56 -

1. dumbass starcraft players (or 99% of starcraft players)
2. MMF
3. teachers
4. schoolmates
5. movies based on games

damn, its just a top 5 list
heck i must be in a good mood



Possibly Insane

21st September, 2003 at 03:18:10 -

"9. People who use discrimination as a one-size-fits-all explanation for social inequities. If blacks and hispanics in America are being stifled by white racism, why do asians get higher grades and earn more money than whites?"

I sorta agree with you on this one. At one point the use of the word "blackboard" was 'outlawed' in schools because it's (apparently) offensive to some black people. However it's perfectly acceptable for either cultures to use "whiteboard". Why would that be any different?

"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G


23rd September, 2003 at 08:26:56 -

Here are some of the things I just can't stand.

1. Fads in music (the boy band trend, nü-metal, "bling" rap).
2. Radical ANYTHING in politics (ultra-liberal, ultra-conservative, etc.)
3. People who can't tell the difference between message boards and IM chatrooms (no offense to anyone who likes to type fast on a message board, but please formulate your thoughts so at least SOME people can understand you)
4. People who do things "for the greater good" only when it's convenient to them (e.g. Operation Iraqi "Freedom")
5. Corporate radio
6. Cable news channels (CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News)
7. Anyone who cheats in online games
8. People who just don't know when to go away after they've exhausted more than their share of 15 minutes of fame
9. Nuclear weapons - I don't care who has 'em. If there were an easy way to dispose of them, I'd lobby to every congressman, every president, every chancellor, every prime minister
10. Gaming console fanboys...especially those who hate the X-Box simply because it's a product of Microsoft.

I'm not a player, I just...wait a minute. Yes, I am a player. Unfortunately, that's all I do. I don't have the "resources" necessary to obtain Clickteam game makers.

Metal Maiden

23rd September, 2003 at 09:24:35 -

1. Most Black people
2. Religion
3. Feminist
4. Ugly People
5. Import "Racers"
6. People that think thier Mustang is fast (just race my ninja fools!)
7. Preps (thats a big one around here)
8. Sk8tr fags
9. All music made currently (except for Limp Bizkit, of course!)

Death in the air
Strapped in the electric chair
This can't be happening to me
Who made you God to say
"I'll take your life from you!!"


Possibly Insane


VIP Member
23rd September, 2003 at 10:58:27 -

spiderhead jon?
anyway Limp why do you hate black people?

Formerly known as "Spiderhead".

Returned after four years. for more infomation

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

23rd September, 2003 at 10:58:28 -

" 1. Most Black people "

i seriously take offence to that and i hope everyone else does too. i would do my standard anti racism blub but you're obviously not worth it.


Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
23rd September, 2003 at 11:19:39 -

1. people who keep talking when I am playing guitar
2. children who hate school
3. rich people
4. msn when too many people are online
5. the eighties
6. trance music and stuff like that
7. cities
8. industials (people who look like NationalLiberal)
9. traffic (when i am on the road)
10. Charlotte



23rd September, 2003 at 11:31:24 -

Yes, please explain why you hate most black people. That remark was racist but I suspect it's just something that you see in a lot of black people (where you live) and you just associate it with them (which is wrong, but I understand why).


Aali [Crazy_Productions]

23rd September, 2003 at 12:01:06 -

so why is racism such a bad thing when it's ok to hate other groups of people...?

anyway here's a list:

1. life in general, but mostly humans (yes, including myself)
2. hating something just because it hates you, if they hate you, it's their problem not yours
3. faking hatred, or hating without reason
4. the whole idea about governments and shit.. they wanna make us equal, but thats impossible, cos we're not equal and will never be
5. school, not because i hate the idea, but the way they want it is so stupid.. it's all about money, the education doesn't matter
6. US government and military system.. its just so stupid, they do whatever they want and but wont let anything stop them even if they know its impossible... like walking on the moon.. yeah right! it's all just a coverup
7. i better stop now before i start to hate everything

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?



23rd September, 2003 at 12:09:49 -

Because it's being prejudiced. Who said it was OK to hate other groups of people, anyway?


Aali [Crazy_Productions]

23rd September, 2003 at 12:11:42 -

oh, and one more thing, i don't hate blacks, i hate people that abandon their country because of war, cos if everyone who hate war leave, the wars will never end.. and besides, they're generally really damn stupid and full of hatred, AND they say they don't like us.. what the hell are they doing here then!

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?

Aali [Crazy_Productions]

23rd September, 2003 at 12:20:30 -

well, if someone here said 'i hate all blacks', they'd probably get banned or atleast trigger a flame war in one way or another, but if you say you hate all racists and nazis, people will praise you... or a more relevant example, everyone here says they hate townies, and noone cares, but as soon as someone even mentions 'black' you get loads of comments about it

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?



23rd September, 2003 at 12:53:18 -

They were given the label 'townie' because of how they behave. It's a personality thing, not race or history or sexual preference.

Can we stop with this already? o_O



Possibly Insane

23rd September, 2003 at 12:55:13 -

Townies become so from their own personal choice.

gone fishin'

Mr. Esch

Stone Goose

23rd September, 2003 at 12:57:44 -

What's wrong with the world, mama
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world addicted to the drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin'
In the USA, the big CIA
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Badness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
Nigga, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

It just ain't the same, always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace is so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With the ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin'
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know)
Where's the love, y'all

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love
The love, the love

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' in the wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids act like what they see in the cinema
Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found

People killin', people dyin'
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
And would you turn the other cheek

Father, Father, Father help us
Send us some guidance from above
'Cause people got me, got me questionin'
Where is the love (Love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)

Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)
Where is the love (The love)

you have all heard the song, think about it!

Do you feel you are being... watched?

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

23rd September, 2003 at 13:01:52 -

t'is a good song too.


Evil Faker

23rd September, 2003 at 13:03:41 -

indeed... i didnt read it all, but im sure its very interesting

My signature is never too big!!!

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
23rd September, 2003 at 13:04:13 -

I wonder where all the record sales money went... - Listen to my music.


Possibly Insane

23rd September, 2003 at 13:07:23 -

Like, wts, dude.

gone fishin'


Evil Faker

23rd September, 2003 at 13:18:47 -

lol shen! trust you to find something like that

My signature is never too big!!!

Aali [Crazy_Productions]

23rd September, 2003 at 13:30:26 -

nothing makes any of this ok, and why would this be ok, when nothing else is.. it'll never be ok, nothing will

(what i'm really trying to say is that 'ok' doesn't mean a thing, as we decide what we think is ok)

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?

Aali [Crazy_Productions]

23rd September, 2003 at 13:36:19 -

this is so pointless..

lets make lists of what we like instead:

1. eh... ok forget it..

(hey, i'm just kidding )

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
23rd September, 2003 at 13:44:13 -

That townies song is class.

Oh townie, I'm just a townie!
I love to stroll and take in all the sights
Townie, call me a townie!
I love the shops, I love the crowds

Wouldn't it be nice is real townies were like that.
Their version would go like this:

Oh townie, I'm just a townie!
I like to act hard a beat up little kids
Townie, call me a townie
and I'll knock your head off - Listen to my music.



23rd September, 2003 at 13:48:45 -

LOL, 'tis true



The Archivist


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!Mr BallPicture Me This Round 50 Winner!
23rd September, 2003 at 14:52:40 -

Ten things I hate:
2) People who are bad at maths
5) People who do something stupid, just for attention.

:: Joshtek ::

Oreos? GO! OREOS!


Possibly Insane

23rd September, 2003 at 14:54:00 -

"school, not because i hate the idea, but the way they want it is so stupid.. it's all about money, the education doesn't matter"

do you have to pay for schooling or something?

"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G


The Archivist


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!Mr BallPicture Me This Round 50 Winner!
23rd September, 2003 at 15:02:05 -

Maybe they mean schools only have so much funding....?

:: Joshtek ::

Oreos? GO! OREOS!



VIP MemberHas Donated, Thank You!Hasslevania 2!Pokemon Ball!
23rd September, 2003 at 15:09:30 -

1-10. Excessivley negative people.

All platforming problems can be mostly solved here:

These are very excellent examples by other people and are very informative.

I work at the speed of "maybe".

Coming Soon: Diary Of An Indie Developer



The Smegster


VIP Member
23rd September, 2003 at 15:26:38 -

I hate...nothing....I love...nothing...I am nothing....or am I? - wait that makes no sense arrrgghh..



23rd September, 2003 at 15:42:24 -

Ah, found some more things to hate!

10) Townies
12) Poor list enumeration


Aali [Crazy_Productions]

23rd September, 2003 at 17:12:07 -

Kris, maybe i weren't too clear, what i meant was like: noone really cares if we don learn a shit, as long as that is the standard, as long as they can save some money while still giving the appearence of being 'good'

atleast were i live..

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?

Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment)

Possible psychotic


VIP Member360 OwnerWii Owner
23rd September, 2003 at 22:15:45 -

1. Stupid people
2. Being in the shower when someone knocks on the door
3. Teenyboppers / Townies / Wiggas
4. People who cram their religion down your throat
5. Hairy women
6. Homosexuals (sounds typical, but I'm a homophobe... no offense intended)
7. Bad grammar / punctuality (I've always been that way...)
8. Cigarettes
9. Rapists / Paedophiles
10. Internet 'relationships'
11. Babies
12. Conformity
13. People who say that consoles are more powerful than PCs can be (as much as I like consoles)
14. Judge-by-looks-or-fashion
15. Me, but not all the time
16. Lack of respect
17. Ignorance
18. Junk mail
19. Online game cheaters
20. Feminists
21. Humans, in general
22. The following questions from a girlfriend:
- What are you thinking about?
- What would you do if I died?
- Do you love me more than anyone else you've been with?
- Am I fat?
23. Boasting of any kind, unless it's friendly
24. Classification of people ("goth" in particular)
25. Lies
26. Thieves (I admit, I've stolen before, but I hate them)
27. Guys who don't respect women, and visa versa
28. People who hate other people just because they go for a different sporting team
29. Leaky pens
30. Cauliflower and tomatoes
31. People who argue for the sake of it
32. Censorship and age limits
33. Country towns (I live in one)
32. Daisies
33. Dogs that are smaller than cats
34. People who hate cats so much that they kill them
35. The smell of sweat
36. An itch in a forbidden region, whilst in public
37. People who don't back up their friends
38. Really hot weather
39. Warm rain on a cold night
40. Alcohol poisoning
41. People who spike drinks
42. People who force drugs on others (I use marijuana, but don't make anyone else do it)
43. People who put popularity in front of friendship
44. People that have intercourse with animals
45. Pop-up ads
46. Soap operas
47. Reality television
48. Musicals
49. Magpies
50. People that sneer at you
51. Hormones that take effect at inopportune moments
52. Being sprayed with girl's deodorant
53. Cross-dressers
54. People that hate others because everyone else does
55. Racism (I'm white, but I still hate racism... although I like racist jokes)
56. People who believe that there is a "weaker sex"
57. Chick-flicks
58. People who fear you with no reason
59. People that think you hate them because they're friends with someone you hate
60. People that hate you because you're friends with someone they hate
61. Being tickled
62. Sunburn
63. People that use a misfortune as a method of gaining from you
64. "Psychic Vampires" (Refer to The Satanic Bible, by Anton Szander LaVey - )
65. Emoticon-heavy mail or posts
66. Head lice
67. Bad cooking
68. Bad parents (I don't have bad parents, but feel sorry for those that do)
69. Being asked for ID when I've already shown it at the same place in the same day
70. Wanting to have a party in a pub but nobody else is 18
71. Teachers who assume their homework will only take a couple of hours to complete, and fail to note that you have seven other teachers who think the same way
72. People who don't realize the importance of school
73. People that love school
74. Not being able to have piercings / 'crazy' hair while employed
75. Having to fill out government forms
76. Being broke
77. Coffee or Iced Coffee
78. The taste of vomit
79. The smell of feces
80. Vandalism
81. Ripped graphics
82. Burning a CD, returning the original to your mate, and finding out that the burnt one doesn't work
83. Oweing money to people
84. People who break promises
85. Cramps
86. Hangovers
87. Waking up with vomit on your face / clothes
88. Marshmallows
89. Honey
90. Flatulence that leads to skids
91. Having a piss that needs a leash for control
92. People that are intelligent, but act stupid
93. Having the munchies when there's nothing to eat
94. Sitting on chewing gum
95. Running out of toilet paper, and not noticing until you've done the deed
96. People that don't knock to come into your bedroom
97. People that stay home on a Saturday night
98. People that pronounce "sandwich" like "samwidge"
99. Flat beer or carbonated drinks
100. Rap music (an oxymoron)

Image Edited by the Author.



Possibly Insane

24th September, 2003 at 01:30:35 -

Oh townies! Shoot all the townies!
I love to shoot and it ends all the fights
Townie, kill all the townies!
I hate their clothes, I hate them all
The shazzas and the gazzas and the ones in white!

Uh. What.

gone fishin'


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
24th September, 2003 at 06:52:44 -

Hey, AntiMatter Entertainment, I think I agree with just about every one of those.


Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment)

Possible psychotic


VIP Member360 OwnerWii Owner
24th September, 2003 at 18:52:02 -

Woah! I'm not alone out there!

I thought of a couple of those because of your list, AsparagusTrevor, so I have to say I agree with yours too! Good topic idea, by the way.




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
26th September, 2003 at 08:38:41 -

I agree with most of em except 22, 30, 31, 32, 49, and 50. I'd write my own list, but I can't think of anything I hate at the moment. And I don't think I wanna.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.



Possibly Insane

2nd October, 2003 at 02:36:45 -

I hate friggen rain in the middle of Spring...especially when my uni break has just me the shits! I wanna goto the beach ffs!!!

Come and annoy me more at


2nd October, 2003 at 08:36:37 -
2.shool computer(only when its not working) sister
5.bad music
7.LONG posts tiny little room cats
10.My crazy dog

Some people are born to early, but I'm glad, I was born on my birthday

The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


Game of the Week WinnerClickzine StaffAcoders MemberKlikCast StarVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 35 Winner!Second GOTW AwardYou've Been Circy'd!Picture Me This Round 38 Winner!GOTM December Third Place!!
I am an April FoolKliktober Special Award Tag
2nd October, 2003 at 10:33:20 -

Ok. Limp Likka Pump. Is it really limp? I thought fishing season started next year, heh.

Racism will NOT be tolerated here at DC. Do it again and you'll be erased Anyway, onto that subject... in no particular order

1. Racism
2. Sexism
3. Coronation Street
4. People who try to act hard but cannot back it up without being in large gangs
5. Wasps (bees are cool, they don't go out of their way to sting ya (unless you tread on one))
6. WWF (or WWE or whatever the heck its called)
7. Football (so over-rated)
8. Spitting in the street
9. My brothers cooking
10. Arrogant People
11. Snobs
12. Animal Activists who just look for a fight and cause trouble rather than be REAL animal activists
13. Idiocy
14. People who use women as objects rather than real people
15. Hitler



2nd October, 2003 at 10:53:58 -

Same as Circy.



Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
2nd October, 2003 at 18:34:15 -

It's cool, I thought it was just me who didn't like football, it sure as hell seems that way where I work, but a bunch of you agree.



Possibly Insane

3rd October, 2003 at 02:21:49 -

...and I think you all totally mad for hating such mundane things... drinkin of the good shit...

The world's gone potty if you ask me...ffs...

<---- makes everything all better...

Come and annoy me more at


Possibly Insane

3rd October, 2003 at 09:13:36 -

I like rap

Edit: there ain't no such thing as halfway crooks

Edit edit: I understand you now Aali

Image Edited by the Author.

"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G


3rd October, 2003 at 12:01:07 -

1. Townies.
2. Gamecubes.
3. Woodpushers (Well, ok, not the people themselves, woodpushing.)
4. Cheese is the evil of the world
5. Religion
6. Pop Music
7. Soaps
8. Townies.
9. Townies.
10. Townies.

<--intelligent, witty comment here-->



3rd October, 2003 at 19:00:24 -

I think you mentioned townies at least twice. And why do you hate Gamecubes, you X-Box owning Micro$oft licker, you.

Oh, and reading JD's post I can say that I hate trends. The world is human, not ovine! (sheep)



Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
3rd October, 2003 at 19:14:04 -

I'm so happy to see something I have created grow into such a beautiful, pretty beef-fest.
Everyone can vent their frustrations here, and I'm happy about that, I think it keeps people from taking their frustrations out on others.

Erm, the whole thing about trends JD said, I only can speak for myself when I say, anything I put on my list isn't following any trend, I am my own person. I have been around enough and learned enough to know what I am talking about. I don't join a hatred trend because of other people, I mean, I woluldn't even classify myself as any pre-defined lable people use today. I mean, I like rock music, but I like such a diverse range that I couldn't be classed under any catagory, such as goth, punk, etc, I like music from every genre, and I don't dimiss any song until I have listened to it. That is to say, most songs from a particular genre, such as House music, or Hip-Hop I will find aren't to my taste, but I will not suggest a song is bad based on what genre it is until I have actually heard it, and most of all, I won't put a person down based on what background or ethnicity they are, not to mention what films, music or leisure activities they like.

That is why I, and many others, hate Townies. They are the sheep that follow the stupid trends. They are the people who feel the need to change to fit in. They are the people who buy a song because it is popular. They are people who take the piss out of someone for being different to themselves, without even getting to know indiviual personality. Being different to them, I believe, is better than being like them, we have the gift of free will, so why not use it?

Anyway, I have had too much to drink, my journalistic writing is coming out far too much (I am studying Media at the moment), and I am being a bit too profound without being stoned with my mates, so I will leave it at that.


Image Edited by the Author.



4th October, 2003 at 04:56:39 -

"And why do you hate Gamecubes, you X-Box owning Micro$oft licker, you."

I have a PS2

I don't like the way gamecubes seem to be all cartoon type games (with the odd exception) it makes it feel like a little girl's console

<--intelligent, witty comment here-->

David Newton (DavidN)



Honored Admin Alumnus
4th October, 2003 at 06:02:28 -

This is going too far... - Games, music, living in America

Kristofor Durrschmidt

5th October, 2003 at 00:02:23 -


Penguin Seph

5th October, 2003 at 03:32:55 -

I've got nothing better to do so I'll post here:

1. The fact I can never finish making a game
2. The fact I don't have MMF
3. Townies
4. More townies
5. Drug addicts
6. Circy's avatar
7. The fact I can't find any good free hosting
8. Ps2 haters
9. People who think football is the most important thing in the world
10. Newbie's games posted to get points
12.Circy's avatar
13.Circy's avatar
14.Circy's avatar
16.There is no number 16
17.Or 17
18.Or 18
19.You get the picture...



5th October, 2003 at 03:59:54 -

I also have a gameboy advance sp

<--intelligent, witty comment here-->

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
5th October, 2003 at 10:55:32 -

11. Alex Filipowski
12. People who think that if they ignore the problem, it doesn't exist. The Police usually do this.
13. People who shout.
14. People who dismiss sport as a useless waste of time, money and effort. Sport provides excellent body and mind stimulation (like Red Bull). Sport can also give people the chance to meet, like with immigrants.
15. Alcohol and Red Bull drinks.
16. Anything with vodka in it. Vodka in Russian means water. They called it that because that's what's in it.
17. Jim Davidson. Sexist, racist and totally unfunny.
18. Higher mathematics. I agree basics are essential, but do we really need to know a+b=c?
19. Modern art. They put a cow in formaldehyde, and say it conveys emotion. Bollocks!
20. People who say classical music is gay. Ever heard a whole piece? Thought not. Mozart's Moonlight Sonnata is one of my favourite tunes.

Hehe, I love to hate things. - Listen to my music.


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
5th October, 2003 at 11:50:58 -

Moonlight Sonata yeah baby. It's funny how me and my mates are metalheads, but we also appreciate good orchestral music.



6th October, 2003 at 01:30:45 -

By the sounds of we have a pretty cool community here at The Daily Click.

1. Homework
2. People who have no confidence
3. Druggies/Drunkies
4. People that give you crap
5. Being inside all day
6. (I've never been there and I never will) - it should be banned
7. Radiation
8. Wearing no shoes
9. Wet/Cold at a windy beach when overcast
10. People who think they're always right


Possibly Insane

6th October, 2003 at 07:40:31 -

"18. Higher mathematics. I agree basics are essential, but do we really need to know a+b=c?" - Noodle

Then don't ever consider being an engineer...that's all the maths you have to do...ffs!

Anyway...Don'tcha I hate it when you lose a pair of socks in the back seat of chicks car...
I also hate the fact that my mates are gonna give me shit about what happened on the weekend for a long time to come...

... <---- makes everything good again...

Come and annoy me more at

LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

6th October, 2003 at 08:13:09 -

Hmmm, things I hate
In no particular order here goes:
1>Reality TV
2>Pop music
4>People who go around asking to borow money then when they get asked for money they say something like "I'm not a bloody bank"
5>Long, hot, dry school days
6>Losing all my files when my PC brakes
7>Movie Ratings and any other form of censorship
8>Soap Operas
9>Being hungry when theres nothing to eat
10>Like pete, people who use MSN screenames incorporating half the bloody japanese lanqauge
11>Manufactured Bands e.g the un-talented people that come out of pop-idol
12>Not having any spare money
13>people who's grammar is so messed it's like a secret code for retards

Theres a lot of others i forgot, but those are the main ones I can think of now.

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,

LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

6th October, 2003 at 08:16:34 -

Oh and:

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,


7th October, 2003 at 08:55:38 -

10 things i hat
- tomartoes
- larger (tastes like piss)
- pop idol (and all its varients)
- politisions (excuse spelling)
- theves
- eastenders
- 50 cent
- sean paul
- prats that will have a go at you just to piss you off
- wasps, flies, etc




Acoders MemberHas Donated, Thank You!May contain nutsVIP Member360 OwnerI'm an alien!Code Monkey
7th October, 2003 at 11:05:53 -

1) Posts that hammer the hell out of the server
2) ..I cant be bothered right now..
3) As above
4) As above
5) As above
6) As above
7) As above
As above
9) As above
10) As above

RAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...*cough o.@*

.: ImageApocalyptic Coders - :.




Acoders MemberHas Donated, Thank You!May contain nutsVIP Member360 OwnerI'm an alien!Code Monkey
7th October, 2003 at 11:07:39 -

and now I see why people used dots

.: ImageApocalyptic Coders - :.

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
7th October, 2003 at 15:06:14 -

JD Said: 'hahahahahhahahahaha... errr, what? You like creating games.... yet you dont like higher math.... and thats a bad example of higher math, algebra 1 isn't usually considered such'

I was referring to Pythagoras' theorum which indicates that in a right-angled triangle, the square of side a and that of the side b equal the longest side, usually reffered to as c.

Which I think you'll agree is not essential to know. Unless you do want to be a engineer, like Muggus said.

P.S - I like creating games yes, but I do not particularly like mathematical coding. That's why I want to be a game designer. Although I do know you need a basic grasp of maths, I feel I know what I need already. - Listen to my music.

- Yelnek -


VIP MemberI am an April Fool
8th October, 2003 at 01:48:21 -

K... I am too lazy to make a list but I just have a question for all you football haters

You guys must watch American footfall and not Canadian FootBall... Much better it is

"I have dreamed a dream... But now that dream is gone from me."



8th October, 2003 at 11:47:51 -

Pythagoras's Theorem is very useful. And what's so hard about it anyway? It's one of the easiest algebraic equations I know


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
8th October, 2003 at 14:09:37 -

It's not hard.

It's easy, but what's would I ever use it for? - Listen to my music.


8th October, 2003 at 15:36:42 -

It's also used in engineering.

Image Edited by the Author.



8th October, 2003 at 22:29:57 -

Lets see

Other things...

It's my humble opinion that Circy should never have been made Admin. (I don't remember why now.)


Possibly Insane

9th October, 2003 at 06:47:38 -

I hate the fact that the hate thread is more popular than the love thread...ffs...

Come and annoy me more at


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
9th October, 2003 at 10:56:47 -

It shows that there's more to hate than love. Which is a crappy state of affairs, but it's true.


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
9th October, 2003 at 13:30:59 -

I think it's because people are afraid to show what they really like in case their friends think it's 'gay'. - Listen to my music.


The Archivist


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!Mr BallPicture Me This Round 50 Winner!
9th October, 2003 at 14:36:30 -

football? eewww *runs*

Image Edited by the Author.

:: Joshtek ::

Oreos? GO! OREOS!



9th October, 2003 at 18:51:24 -

"Are you ready? Are you ready for love?" Obviously not. It's easy to whine and moan about the world, though.



Possibly Insane

12th October, 2003 at 22:05:37 -

Have a bitched about the weather yet? No, yes, maybe? Well maybe I should again!

Bloody wind! Cool South Coast wind! Screw up my weekend of fishin'! Why I oughta!
Guess I meant I drank more and had more camp fires!...nothing wrong with that!...Infact fire and booze are two things that make a good weekend eh!

Ok...I got something else to bitch about here...bloody top of the line imported beers! GRRRR...I spent $60 Australian (around $35-$40ish US) on 13 bottles of beer!!!
But then again...they're pretty damn good beers

Come and annoy me more at


Best Article Writer

13th October, 2003 at 04:39:49 -

1. People who smoke in enclosed public places (pubs, shops with bad ventilation, etc) when they can just as easily do so elsewhere, or just wait. Not because I want to make their lives difficult or anything, but purely because it makes me more likely to have an asthma attack and die.
2. Justin Timberlake. His music sucks, and he creates a very distorted image of us guys. And he's a Michael Jackson wannabe.
3. The 'mad scientist' mentality. That nothing is true if it can't be proved, unless the idea was invented by a scientist, in which case it's an unquestionable fact.
4. People who have no respect for others.
5. Nationalists who believe their country can do no wrong.
6. Nationalists who believe their country can do wrong, but support them anyway simply because it's their country.
7. People who don't take other peoples' opinions seriously.
8. Hypocrites.
9. People who are unable to claim responsibility for their own actions. When something goes right, it's a 'marvel of human achievement'. When something goes wrong, it's 'God's fault'.
A. Hexadecimal

191 / 9999 * 7 + 191 * 7


Possibly Insane

13th October, 2003 at 06:36:42 -

"2. Justin Timberlake. His music sucks, and he creates a very distorted image of us guys. And he's a Michael Jackson wannabe." - Dines
Secondeded! For some reason that guy pisses me off more than anyone else in pop culture ever has! Maybe a bit jealous cause, SOMEHOW, people like his music and he gets lots of chicks...but yeah. There's just something that irritates me more than anyone else! </bitter rant>

Come and annoy me more at

LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios)

13th October, 2003 at 11:56:03 -

When girls from my class talk to me (or used to should i say) they kept going on about that guy, I dunno what they see in him... it really does get annoying.

A Crusader for the LittleGuy's

Click Cell, a full fat community site,

Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment)

Possible psychotic


VIP Member360 OwnerWii Owner
13th October, 2003 at 22:32:19 -

Oh, I left a few out...

101. People that slap labels on others ("Goth", "Punk", etc. "Townie" can be defined as a label, but they deserve it )
102. |337 Speak. The most pointless fad around.
103. Breaking something brand new.



Does he even go here


VIP Member
14th October, 2003 at 06:21:01 -

(in no particular order, actually number 10 i hate the most though, but otherwise all jumbled )
1. vegetables
2. Most pop music
3. rap music
4. Anti-war protestors
5. Anarchists
6. Racist white people
7. Racist black people (black eyed peas)
8.Marylin Manson
9. so called "goths (if they're so rebellious how come they ALL wear black,ALL do devil salutes and ALL like marylin manson)



Best Article Writer

14th October, 2003 at 08:38:27 -

"9. so called "goths (if they're so rebellious how come they ALL wear black,ALL do devil salutes and ALL like marylin manson)"

This is a point I love to chat about, and it's not just goths. I find it interesting that almost everyone these days is trying to be 'rebellious' or 'individual'. The irony is that in so doing, since everyone else is doing the same thing, the very act of being different makes them the same as everyone else. The simple fact is that true individuals are rare -- most humans are just personality clones of their peers; they verbally deny it, but by their actions admit it. Just look how many 'individuals' have the same haircut as Beckham, dress the same as their friends, coincidentally start disliking music that they loved for years simply because society has changed.

True individuals, in my opinion, are simply people who suceed (as much as is humanly possible) to be themselves rather than someone they're not. You'll probably only meet a handful in your life.

191 / 9999 * 7 + 191 * 7

Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
14th October, 2003 at 08:58:51 -

Aetheists? - Listen to my music.

Aali [Crazy_Productions]

14th October, 2003 at 09:45:10 -

do you hate atheists? may i ask you why???? they're the last i could come up with a reason to hate (maybe cos i'm one myself but whatever...)

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?

Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment)

Possible psychotic


VIP Member360 OwnerWii Owner
15th October, 2003 at 19:56:56 -

Well, this may be the written equivalent to putting a neon sign on my head saying "FLAME ME", but I'm a "goth" in the fashion and music-orientation sense of the term. I don't consider myself rebellious, and no "goth" that I know tries to put on a rebellious image (I'm not denying their existence, however). A dark image, sure, but I think the punk scene is the 'rebellious image' one. I could be wrong, however (a quite frequent event)!

Quite a few people hate "goths", which isn't surprising because quite a lot of them are really stupid and ignorant, and what's worse, are hypocrites. But we're not all that bad! I don't try to look evil or have a 'bad guy' image, I just wear what I wish to reflect, and listen to what drives me and fulfils my desires the most. I don't strive for individuality or a certain look, I just be myself and follow what I take interest in. I still have many non-goth friends.

Yes, I do listen to Marilyn Manson, and yes, I do consider myself a Satanist, but that came way before I chose to dress like a "goth", and it's not like it really changes who I am, in the social sense.

Anyway, enough rambling about that, why would you hate an athiest? I can't hate anyone based on their religion, even Christians, because then I couldn't possibly expect people to respect the fact that my religion is different to most peoples'. It's petty to hate someone for their beliefs, or lack of them. Some people just don't need a religion.

PS. People that hate music they used to love because it's not 'cool' anymore is one of my biggest pet hates, ever.



The Smegster


VIP Member
15th October, 2003 at 20:59:46 -

I'm a Christian, arrrgghh, a satanist, you are now my sworn enemy!

Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment)

Possible psychotic


VIP Member360 OwnerWii Owner
15th October, 2003 at 22:19:36 -

Heh, apparently

Doesn't bother me!


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
16th October, 2003 at 04:33:37 -

Damien M's list is quirky to say the least. Black Eyed peas aren't racist. And why do you hate Marylin Manson? Because he dresses weirdly. I saw him on Jonathon Ross on Friday Night and he seemed a normal kind of guy. - Listen to my music.



I am an April FoolVIP Member
16th October, 2003 at 04:40:25 -

If i had a sniper rifle then i'd take out slipknot

I'm bad to the bone


Possibly Insane

16th October, 2003 at 05:26:36 -

So much hate...*sips biere* much hatred over petty things too...why not hate something worthwhile?

Hating petty things is like holding a grudge with someone. I don't hold grudges. It requires effort. Effort means work. Work means doing stuff. Doing stuff means wasting time. Wasting time means not doing the stuff I enjoy. I love doing the stuff I enjoy, therefore...I hate wasting time...THE END

Come and annoy me more at


16th October, 2003 at 12:18:49 -

indeed. THE END until I post this horribly annoying and pointless post after you. SUCKER!


"They'll never find the bodies"



Possibly Insane


VIP Member
16th October, 2003 at 13:17:15 -

1. That alex dude
2. Chelsea supporters
3. Myself (jk)
4. Farscape
5. Fishhead haters
6. Noobs
7. Slow Internet
8. Dicks that beat the crap ot of you in Counter-Strike
9. Matrix haters
10. LOTR Haters

incept for "1." they are not really in order

Formerly known as "Spiderhead".

Returned after four years. for more infomation


Best Article Writer

16th October, 2003 at 17:50:37 -

Antimatter: Yeah, I admit my use of Goths as the example was quite flawed, since most I know simply dress that way and listen to that type of music as their own personal form of self expression, not 'rebellion'. They just seemed like the most apt group of people to discriminate against, since in my area they're the ones that stand out most, lol (jk). I also try not to dislike individuals for who or what they are / believe in, although I do tend to despise the institutions behind them, when there are ones (which is most churches I suppose, even though I personally am a Christian. I loathe hypocrisy, which is probably 90% of the reason).

EDIT: Not that I'd want to stay in the company of a Satanist for very long, good grief no, lol. I don't dislike the individuals, but the whole idea of worshipping Satan does kinda go against the grain for me.

Image Edited by the Author.

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