Optimizing TGF
Author: | Jenswa
Submitted: | 4th August, 2003
Views: | 5030
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author: HoogHaar
date: 04 August 2003
target: all klikkers
So how do you optimize things in klik-apps?
Here are some suggestions for optimizing klik apps,
split up in size and speed, but most of them do actually both.
Like filter out an event you do not need (anymore) it's saves some space,
meanings smaller size and the inner game loop doesn't need to execute that event
- size
-> use a standard palette as much as possible.
-> color palette (don't use high-color unnecessairy).
-> keep names for objects small, it does matter for size.
-> try to avoid large objects, particularly the ones with large areas of one color.
-> resize objects, to remove redundant pixles (mostly the background color), so it's gets a smaller dimension.
-> join events in groups (like: enemies, bullets, etc..).
-> use a unused value, instead of a counter.
-> use as limited extension objects as possible, or even better use non at all.
-> try to reuse the same objects as many times as possible.
-> convert sound files to lower quality, often the difference isn't heart.
-> use mp3 files instead of big wave files.
-> use mod files instead of midi files.
- speed
-> divide code in groups and activate the ones needed. (i don't know for sure)
-> clean up, double events (punt everything in one always statement instead of 10, or even better use every 00,02 second)
-> filter out unnecessairy events (if possible).
-> low-colour and low-res, increase rendering (display) speed.
-> don't create huge bakground dimensions.
-> keep a small number of active objects (if possible) or disable them, if not using.
after all, when your game is finished, use a compression tool, like winzip, winrar, winace or
use microsofts own .cab format, my game is smaller in cab than ace, resp. 800k vs 850 k.
But most games in tgf require an installer application for the dll files needed.
It's better to use mmf, since i doesn't need this method in order to work,
so you can directly compress it, instead of compressing the installer.
JenswaPossibly Insane
Registered 26/08/2002
Points 2723