Tyrian/Raptor engine, 0 detectors!
Hi there, I created this engine for my new game Anarchy which is similar to Tyrian.
This is a really stripped down version which doesnt talk about buildings or tanks or multiple weapons (gotta keep my secrets) but it does give you a starting point.
It is regulated by groups and alterable values, so you can add new things with minimal coding.
Player: Set Y [Y-player -X (however fast you want him to go)]
Scrolling: Set horizontal to [X player] set virtical to [Y top playfield -X (this must be the same as the one you put for the player)]
this is basic. It works for all directions but im to lazy to write em all. You get the idea though, if its not hitting a visible playfield edge, it can move.
Repeat while left is pressed
X player > X left playfield:
Set position to X(Player) -1
This is for a enemy on a path movement
Y>= Y Top Playfield
Alterable value A>0:
every X:
Shoot enemy bullet at speed X
Your Shooting
value A is health.
value B is for gun cooling.
Repeat while (fire) is pressed
Alterable value B (Player)<= 0
Alterable value A (Player)>0:
Shoot bullet at speed 100
set alterable vaue B to X (X= time for weapon to cool)
Every 00.01:
Sub 1 from Alterable value B (player)
Bullet collisions
Value A of a bullet is how much damage it does.
Collision between Group.Enemies and bullet:
Bullet: Destroy
Enemy: Subtract [value A (Bullet)] from value A
(Repeat this for the player, but replace the objects for enemy bullet and player ship.)
Destroying things
Enemy: Value A<= 0:
Player: Value A<=0
Destroy (or run your death sequence as a group of events)
Well, Thats the most basic but useable engine I want to release (Im using this engine but with a bit of extra stuff for my new game, so im not gonna give away everything I know) but I hope it works for you. Please post comments!
Thanks, Crash
My spoon is too big!