Another Matrix style technique
Author: | Cybermaze
Submitted: | 9th May, 2004
Views: | 5716
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I saw greenleafs Matrix style wallpaper article I thought, I know a better way to create a Matrix effect. Its not interely perfect either, but its more true to the original I believe. Its really simple.
1. Start Photoshop.
2. File -> new. Set any size you need. Im using 800*600 in this example. Everything else is fine.
3. First fill the background layer with black. I guess you know how .
4. Then go into Filter -> Texture -> Grain. Set Intensity and Contrast to 100 and Graintype to Vertical.
5. Go into Filter -> Artistic -> Neon glow. Glow color. Select a green color, Ive used RGB (0,255,0). Glow brightness Im using 25, but you can try other values see if you like em better. Glow size Im using -5 but other versions of photoshop may use a positive value. If the value is wrong, the effect is very wrong, so youll know when its right. (either positive or negative values).
And voila! The effect is still not correct compared to the real thing. But its closer than greenleafs attempt. Note that I havent invented this technique. I simply saw someone else do it so Im simply sharing his way (wherever he got it from) with you.
I forgot to include the example picture I made. Here it is.