Need any help with randomising?
Want to run a random event?
Want to play a random sound?
Want to jump to a random level?
This artical is for you!

Ok - Basic randomising:

In the expresion editor type:

where n is the range between the numbers. This will return a number from 0 to n-1.

or type:

where n is the range between the numbers and z is the minimum number. This will return a number from z to (z+n).

To run a random event:

In the level editor insert an object and call it VALUES. In the event editor in the event where it trigers the random event put:

VALUES value A = random
(Where n is the number of events)

Then for the events write:
If VALUES value A = 0 (event)
If VALUES value A = 1 (event 2)

For random sounds...

Repeat the above code but put sounds in the (event) bit.

For jumping to random levels:

Ah... This is harder than the above randomising... You'll proberbly want it to go to a level that it hasn't been to before. So...

In the level editor insert a fastloop object and an active object called VALUES.
In the event editor write:

Start of level: Change global value (level) to 1.
Event that calls the code: VALUES value A = random
(where n is the number of levels.)
if VALUES value A = 1 AND global value 1 = 0: jump to level 1
if VALUES value A = 2 AND global value 2 = 0: jump to level 2
if VALUES value A = 1 AND global value 1 = 1: VALUES value A = random

If you want to, put this in a fastloop to speed it up.
