Saving with the ini-object (the easy way).

author: HoogHaar
date: 23 June 2003
target: Newbies

Many people didn't understand my article about the ini-plus object
(all methods were explained but whatever).
I am going back to the basics and explain something more with
an example file ( contains: this file + ini.gam)
(if the url doesn't work, just copy 'n paste)

So for people who want to save something, they can use the ini-object
supplied with the games factory.

In this article i'll explain how to save and load value from the ini-file.

Create a new tgf-file (size and color doesn't matter), insert an ini-object, two counters and create four text-buttons.
- With ini file to use, enter save.ini (the ini-file is located in the windows system directory),
- the two counters must be visible use numbers (doesn't matter as long as it's visible),
- the four text-buttons should be labelled: save, load, more, less.

The buttons less and more, should decrease and inscrease counter 1.
- So if button less is clicked, counter 1 substract one.
- if button more is clicked, counter 1 add one.

The buttons save and load, should save the current number of counter 1
or load the value in the ini-file.
- So if button save is clicked, set value of the ini-object to 'value( Counter 1 )', without ''.
- if button load is clicked, set counter 2 to the value of the ini-object 'value of( Ini )', without ''.

These are the basics of the ini-object, it's works the same with text (text is not a value,
so don't use counters but strings).
Now you know the basics of the ini-object, you can continue to read
my other article Guide to save system with ini-plus:,
you can create a better and more advanced save-system, the way it's
implemented in HoogHaar XL (not released yet).