Yeah I knew it'd happen and it did - due to my crappy host, the bandwidth levels of my site have gone pretty high meaning everything on my webspace has collapsed completely.
That means all images hosted are down - as is the uploader itself. The admin of my webhost was a bit of an idiot over it, and didn't really care. So if you have a decent host or something - I'd appreciate it if you could offer some of it to us so that I can upload the script there..
Maybe Rikus and Club will consider having an actual script uploaded to the DC for version 3.0 - but for now, not much I can do
An TDC Image upload system would be awesome, hopefully Club could make it into TDC 3.0
There could be some problems like people uploading HUGE images and wasting space, you could always just have it only allow .PNG and maybe even .GIF files, and have like "X"kb maximium for everypicture.
We dont have the space unfortunately, and our bandwidth usage is already topping over 100 gig a month, so an image uploader built into TDC is unfortunately out of the question