Posted By
Windybeard Games
Registered 14/04/2005
Points 219
16th May, 2005 at 18:53:22 -
does anyone know how to make a demo for the start of a game that shows somone playing,
most platforms ever made have it and i cant figure it out.
Windybeard Games
Registered 14/04/2005
Points 219
16th May, 2005 at 19:09:59 -
damn, i was hoping there was an easyer way.
Willy C
Registered 14/02/2004
Points 1524
16th May, 2005 at 19:12:37 -
There is, you make some ini recordings, but that isnt really 'an easier way' its rather complicated - but it will be perfect.
David Newton (DavidN) Invisible
Registered 27/10/2002
Points 8322
16th May, 2005 at 21:15:50 -
If you're using an extension to control movements that supports it (such as the Movement object), you can send commands to it to replicate a player's movement.
If there are any random elements in your game, you'll also have to make use of the Randomize action at the start of the frame to ensure that you get the same sequence of "random" values each time. - Games, music, living in America
Windybeard Games
Registered 14/04/2005
Points 219
16th May, 2005 at 22:35:01 -
ahh, thx for the help, ill have to have another look at it.