I have a problem. In TDC xmas compo, the Ini file must be in same directory as the app. But I can't make it. I put to ini's name in ini setup this:
Appdrive$ + Appdir$ + "saved.INI"
It didn't work. Ini file was nowhere. Can someone wiser help?
Current Projects: The Artillerys 10% Forgotten Legends 8% Earth Defender 20%
Changed, but still doesn't work
Now, when game is saved, there is these actions:
INI: Sen current file to "Appdrive$ + Appdir$ + saved"
Set current group to status
Set current item to BLABLABLA....
What's wrong?
Current Projects: The Artillerys 10% Forgotten Legends 8% Earth Defender 20%
try this:
Appdir$ + "/saved.INI"
I never needed the Appdrive, and you need to include the / infront of the filename, so it looks like this: C:/My Documents/myfile.INI instead of C:/My Documentsmyfile.INI