I'm not a regular here, so forgive me if I put this in the wrong category.
I know some people can be quite tense when it comes to those things..
However, I am not by far new to the Click-scene, and I know my way around MMF 1.5 very well.
The intention with this thread is to invoke people interested in joining a team and project that would compete with other non-click freeware games.
I'm thinking multiplayer. I'm thinking side-scrolling. I'm thinking cooperative.
I will be doing programming, and some artwork.
What I am looking for right now is:
* Sprite Animators (2D side-view)
* Assisting Coder (Specific tasks, give advice etc.)
* Music/Sounds
I suggest we "sit down" and discuss the whole thing, and not start digging in at once.
The last time a nice team was arranged, and every just 'sat down' to talk about things. They all grew roots into the floor and never got back up. TDC Game anyone?