If one was to create an emulator for MMF2 to run on MAC OS X, how would one go about doing this?
There are millions of MAC uses out there who really want to make applications with the Click Team products.
However after emailing them and explaining that if they were to release a MAC version there would be alot more people buying their products which means $$$ for the Click Team.
They replied saying that they was too small of a company to hire a mac programmer.
O well it seems that they're not going to do it so how could one create an emulator that would do the trick? Actually there may even be one out there. Possible?
Standalone exes would have to go. Instead one would have a special interpreter running the "compiled file". Kinda like .class files for java. Unless you want to keep separate windows and mac executables.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
Well. Since all new macs feature intel processors you can just install windows with apple bootcamp. Or maybe you could try this:
It might work, but just on newer Intel macs.
Its hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.
Heh, a "Mac" implies that it has OS X on it. I got the MacBook apple-thingy, put bootcamp, and BAH BAH Mac. Windows works on this thing much faster than OS X Tiger. Tiger also has some airport bug because it doesn't receive as strong signals in OS X and often won't connect, when the same spot and AP work perfectly in windows.
Bootcamp - install Windows straight onto a Mac (what I use; full power Windows but needs restarts to switch between OS's). But it's still not perfect, no infrared controller driver yet, XP itself is shit with BlueTooth, takes longer to boot up, no OS native monitor calibration, no expose, no built in spelling checker...
Crossover - was this the crap one? Run's .exes in OSX. Worms Armageddon and all that play fine but transitions in MMF games cause huge slow downs.
Parallels - Works perfectly with 2 monitors. I had Windows on the left 20" Dell monitor and OSX on the iMacs 20" display. BUT it splits CPU speed in half for both systems. Core 2 Duo becomes Core 2 Solo
Rumour has it that Leopard has some Win32/64 compatibility built in.
Windows for MMF2. OSX for Logic, Final Cut, Soundtrack, Pixen, iProcrastinate.
bibin; quite the opposite here. The wireless router is on the other side of the house from my iMac. Under OSX with it's Robustness thingy switched on I get a stable connection at 25%. Under Windows I have no option and it's lower at 19%. But yours is the MacBook. these have the 802n cards in so it might behave differently. that said my PowerBook with it's metal case gets a signal of 23% from the same spot :S
Yeah my OS X gets better wireless reception then XP running bootcamp. I don't have a wireless network, but I'm assuming one of my neighbours have one. Avg. 45% in OS X, maybe an Avg. 15% in XP. Meanwhile, my PSP gets about an Avg. 20%. So, even PSP is better at it. Although I make my PSP use my shared airport through OS X, so I don't really rely on wireless networks anyways.
Also, you shouldn't steal your neighbours internet in XP's defense.
thinking is like pong, it's easy, but you miss sometimes.