Posted By
Registered 06/06/2006
Points 865
20th March, 2007 at 06:00:02 -
Hey gise.
This is kind of computer specific because I tried this on other PC's and it works but it doesn't on my own
I was testing out an 8 directional shooter (using the arrow keys to move) and was holding fire, which was CTRL (I use the left one) and realised that I couldn't turn in the top-left direction while holding LEFT-CTRL.
I switched over to numpad for movement and it works. Also I can use the RIGHT-CTRL key and it'll turn but not the left key.
It's not the engine because I tried some other 8-directioners and none of them let me turn properly!!
Plz HELP!!! Anyone else have this problem?
Discarded pizza boxes are an indispensable source of cheese.
Bibin At least 9001
Registered 01/07/2005
Points 308
20th March, 2007 at 17:23:42 -
Your keyboard must not support your combination of keys.
David Newton (DavidN) Invisible
Registered 27/10/2002
Points 8322
20th March, 2007 at 17:42:22 -
That's right, you'll find some keyboards can't handle certain combinations of keys at a time (called 'keyboard clash' in the ancient DOS days). My old one couldn't handle down+left+any key at a time, which was pretty annoying, so I had to use IKJL as my arrow keys most of the time. - Games, music, living in America
Bibin At least 9001
Registered 01/07/2005
Points 308
20th March, 2007 at 19:17:40 -
Ouch. My arrows all cooperate, but the letters don't always. It's because of the matrix of how they are wired. I guess you could have a super-wirey 2-wires-per-key scheme, which would allow as many keypresses as your interface allows, but would be a pain to wire.