Posted By
Knudde (Shab) Administrator
Registered 31/01/2003
Points 5125
23rd May, 2007 at 17:58:26 -
Well everyone knows the obvious TDC and TK ( ), but what other community sites do you visit (With links!)
Craps, I'm an old man!
Tim I'm on here way too much
Registered 25/08/2006
Points 132
23rd May, 2007 at 18:10:55 -
Mine, lol ... there is a forum - needs people though
AndyUK Mascot Maniac
Registered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
23rd May, 2007 at 18:28:49 -
They want more regulars. I should start visiting again.
Tim I'm on here way too much
Registered 25/08/2006
Points 132
23rd May, 2007 at 18:39:06 -
Man :S Poor guys... they need a makeover.
Smeggy The Smegster
Registered 08/01/2003
Points 1062
23rd May, 2007 at 19:22:21 - of course, which is nearing completion you'll be glad to hear.
Knudde (Shab) Administrator
Registered 31/01/2003
Points 5125
23rd May, 2007 at 19:24:17 -
Was wondering when KU would make it's reappearance, glad to hear it's coming.
Craps, I'm an old man!
Dr. James MD Addict
Registered 08/12/2003
Points 11941
23rd May, 2007 at 19:27:33 -
KF is awesome. It's really just a bunch of mates who masquerade as a forum for everyone.
Used to go to KU. Don't go to TK (the liberal "baby" "punishment" sort of brings it down). Pretty much it.
On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13
Registered 31/10/2002
Points 595
24th May, 2007 at 02:05:58 -
Not English (so I won't give any link). In that communities people do not make offtopic like here and they are more skilled.
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
24th May, 2007 at 07:20:34 - It's kind of dead though.
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
24th May, 2007 at 07:26:59 -
I want KA back.
Old member (~2004-2007).
Registered 31/10/2002
Points 595
24th May, 2007 at 07:44:31 -
So put effort in making it alive again? :---)
Hayo Stone Goose
Registered 15/08/2002
Points 6949
24th May, 2007 at 07:44:55 -
KA was hacked by some jerk. It's gonna be back in some form tho.
axel Crazy?
Registered 05/02/2005
Points 4766
24th May, 2007 at 07:56:04 -
Hacked? The same dude who attacked Click Wiki and Silvernova? Haha, the guy must hate the click community.
Registered 31/10/2002
Points 595
24th May, 2007 at 08:02:05 -
Next thing he will do is messing with custom rating on TDC ;---).
DaVince This fool just HAD to have a custom rating
Registered 04/09/2004
Points 7998
24th May, 2007 at 09:57:53 -
Not THAT exact. More like a single page with bullshit and two email addresses. X---D
+ long thin nose = phail
Edited by the Author.
Old member (~2004-2007).