My bro and I are trying to decide which of the new consoles to buy. PS3, XBox 360 or the Wii.
My concern is that none of them are cheap, and it's not really the kind of purchase you want to get wrong.
So what are the pros and cons between them?
If you've bought/played on one, or several, what were your opinions? Why did you like/hate it?
I'm personally tempted to go for the Wii, simply because it has something all the others don't (the Wiimote). The way I see it, the other two have very little capacity to generate new games, just prettier ones.
However, the Wii doesn't seem to do pretty anywhere near as well as the others, and I'm worried that it won't be as immersing. And that it might not attract the best games simply because of its image.
But I also know from experience that you very soon get used to good graphics, and if a racing game looks realistic, it's only a matter of time before you get used to the graphics and realise it's actually no more fun than the racing games you played on the Amstrad.
So it's a tricky one. I'd love to get the Zelda Twilight Princess game, but then again I'd love to get Halo 3. Short of mortgaging my body or selling my liver, I can't really do both...
I've got all, well. I sold my PS3 a couple of days ago. My little run down.
360- An excellent system. Theres a real quality feel to it all, the controller is excellent (though lacks motion sensing), the games are abundant and cover many genres and Live is, frankly my dear, the dogs bollocks. Though it bloody well should be for £40 a year.
All that said, I don't play mine much. There just isn't a killer game out for it yet. It's full of lacklustre FPS titles, GTA clones, and attempts at Nintendo-esque games that just don't get pulled off right (Viva Pinata, that other party game - name escapes me). HD video player is optional and the price reflects that, plus because it's been out a while you can get some very tempting deals. GAME will sell you a 360 + 2 AAA games and sometimes an extra controller for £270.
PS3- ONLY buy if you have a HDTV. Honestly. A huge chunk of what you spend goes bang towards that BluRay drive, and if you have *no* intentions of actually watching HD video then avoid like the plague. No interesting titles at all. Controller feels like we're still in the 90's.
I buy systems to play games. But with the PS3 it was more about waiting. And honestly I'd much rather have as much of the £400 I originaly spent on it back and funding systems with games.
I might say it's worth it a few years down the line. But the other machines would have been out that extra year too...
Wii- Jolly good fun. Never had as much fun with a video game than Wii Sports. It's a total cliche I know, but it's true. Still play it to this day. The game library is building up (though mostly with sports games), the system costs less, the games cost less, online is free, the VC is actually cheaper than buying from retro shops etc.
And there we go - the VC is a major selling feature. I've only spent £60 pf my own money on standard Wii games, and another £90 on VC. Mostly rebuilding my collection of systems I've sold off in the past.
In the end I'd get a Wii right now. For the same price as 1 PS3 you can get... *ahem*
-Wii + 8 games (add 1 for free Wii sports, or take 1 game and get another controller)
-360 + 4 games (add 2 if you include shop bundled games)
-PS3 (some shops will bundle Resistance (tepid FPS) or Motorstorm)
However, the Wii doesn't seem to do pretty anywhere near as well as the others, and I'm worried that it won't be as immersing. And that it might not attract the best games simply because of its image.
The Wii is the best selling of all three consoles. It's technically weak but it has potential for great games.
Just look at what YOU want.
Do you want realistic games and online multiplayer - buy a 360
Do you want unique and innovating controls - buy a Wii
Do you want a black console with Spiderman lettering on - buy a PS3
I say get either a Wii or 360 now, and then get the other later. They complement eachother well.
- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -
I did write some stuff about each console, but there's no point me saying anything, really.
Most comments will point you towards buying a Wii Almost every great Nintendo game there ever was is available by Virtual Console, and Gamecube compatability is cool, too. Nowadays all I play is smash bros melee All my Wii games got stolen I'd like to play through Twilight Princess again - Damn Good Game.
I bought a chipped Wii and I've played the 360 at one of my friends house.
Wii: By far the most fun of them but compared to the 360 the gfx pretty much sucks. But Since I'm more of a gameplay guy and the Wii has the VC the choice was simple. Since my Wii has a Wiikey the games are cheap . Also it's great fun to play 4 people at the same time even though some games requires pretty much space in your living room.
A big plus is also that the online play is totally free.
360: Nice graphics but other than that nothing new. But I have to say that I was pretty impressed by the graphics at first, it really is smooth. I'd buy a 360 if I were in to FPS games, Realistic sports games.....since I'm not, I won't.
Haven't tried a PS3, none I know wants buy one, though they are getting a Wii after having played on mine .
I don't think buying a chipped Wii is illegal, atleast not in Sweden since it has alot of legal use as being able to play backed up games and imported games(NTSC vs PAL). I'm not entirely sure though. Pirating is still very much illegal though .