Uh, Box.net is a perfectly reputable site for uploading files. Don't blame me if you have Nanny software installed.
I think the graphics are fine. The backgrounds I need to work on but the character sprites are perfect for the style I was going for. I'm kind of going for a "Hi-Res NES" kind of look, maybe like the Arcade games that were around at that time, or early PC games.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
It'd be a lot easier if I had more detail to work with, but 8-bit sprites suit the game best for a number of reasons.
The comic itself is a sort of parody of other webcomics, it's kind of a cross between Pokey the Penguin and Earthbound. Most people don't get it though, which is partly why I'm making this game, I thought having an all-round ridiculous experience would drive the message in further.
It ceases to be constructive criticism when you start criticising things for the way it's meant to be. Then it starts to be narkism and elitism.
[quote]Forgive me for not wanting to get a shit load of viruses from downloads/sites on the internet and having to format my computer.[/quote]
Oh for smeg's sake too other guys have downloaded and not gotten any viruses. It is a reputable site, it is unlikely you'll get any viruses on it, plus you should have some good virus/spyware protection installed if you're that paranoid.
Check out my Telekinesis'em'up Thread and the ALICE Machines -
Actually my firewall blocks access to the site, so I couldnt download it unless I turned off my firewall.
And I can't be arsed doing that.
I also do have good virus/spyware installed.
I'm not paranoid, I just find it really annoying when you have to format your computer because a virus keeps replicating itself and there's no way to get rid of it because it infects system files.