I've been using Fasthosts for a few years and only just noticed that while they've upgraded their hosting packages over the years, it only applies to new customers and the current members remain with only the features they signed up for.
This is the best part: I called them to complain and they said there's nothing they could do about upgrading my hosting features and even recommended that I cancel my hosting and re-apply as a new customer.
Fasthosts get a lot of criticism and I used to jump to their defence because I never really had a problem with them and they're quite reliable. But no. They stink.
So anyway guys, I'm looking for some cheap and cheerful hosting. It's just for storing some games etc on. ASP would be nice, as would multiple sub-domans and multiple FTP accounts.
Yeah, UKReg are second to none, but FastHosts kinda suck and their prices are way too much as well. I think 123-reg.co.uk do some cheap hosting stuff...
I'm with Cold-Media.co.uk or something - not sure if they support ASP(athetic) though
Cheers Tim. I was hoping you would notice this thread.
123-reg.co.uk certainly have nice ladies on their website, but their hosting is not great. Strange, because I heard rumours that 123-reg are very good, but that could have been just for the domains (like the UKReg/Fasthosts thing)
Thanks AvatarTR. www.siteground.com have an excellent offer right now and offer plenty of space and bandwidth. If only they offered Windows servers.. I should consider learning PHP because the Linux servers are always, always cheaper.
www.1and1.com get 0 points for their frontpage ladies, but they have the best prices I've seen yet. Unfortunately, I've heard a few horror stories and I'm not sure I want to have anything to do with them.
I bought a server from fasthosts and their customer service was terrible - they even got quite angry a one point and sent a fairly aggressive email when I told them that they didn't have a clue what they were doing. I'd go with www.one.com or 123-reg.
Right, www.one.com it is! Now I just need to figure out how to transfer domains and redirect them to the new host.. or something. Anyone have any experience with this?