hey well I'm trying to make a demo vid of my new app. I used a screen recorder and recorded me using the features. I then save it as a .wmv. When I tried to upload it to youtube it said it could not convert the file format, the second time I tried I got a similiar error. Pleas help me i was going to use youtube as my main advertising place.
Originally Posted by RickyG
Sure just like you can steal tic tacs from a 7-11. No one will catch you, except for God.
Originally Posted by cecil use a diff formant. mpeg4 is the best for uploading to youtube.
I would have to disagree Mr. Cecil... mpeg4 is grainy and pixelated to hell. I recommend using a divx compression. WMV should work though, I don't know why you are getting that error... at least one of my videos that I uploaded was in WMV format and it worked fine.
Try saving the file in AVI/DivX format and that should work fine.
MPEG4 will be ok if its a cartoony video, but if it has any kind of small details then they will be blurred beyond recognition.
Because it's not mpeg4 native, which makes the quality suck lol. Yeah like you said, it's bad because it's meant for portable devices etc. Either way, it should work... was just pointing out that if the video had any kind of substantial detail he might want to consider divx or even standard avi (though filesize may then be an issue).
Sorry mate, no idea... I'm guessing that YouTube's embed source link doesn't work? Maybe it needs some tags on it like [YouTube YouTubeID] (replace the []'s with <>'s)
i dont know how many threads i (or others) have posted the answer to the [YouTube "youtube reference number"] problem. a simple search wouldve solved your problems easy.
I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, and I'm sure the problem seems to be solved anyway, but allow me to pitch my two cents in.
Windows Movie Maker, though a complete crap editing program in terms of flexibility and power, is amazing a exporting. Give it a goal file size (anything under 100MB for Youtube) and it'll automatically export it to that size, keeping amazing quality. I've used it for all sorts of videos of mine, and I've yet to be disappointed with the quality.
I'd love to show an example, but it seems like Youtube is down right now...
Edit: Actually, it's just very slow for some reason?