Antworx, if you're looking for any old school sound effects you should also try to get the freeware app called SFXR Sound effect generator by Dr Petter, which lets you make and tweak about a billion sound effects. I used this for the Neil Peart game and for some things it's great.
Also, and you'll think this is weird, but a lot of my older sound effects I made by taking a bunch of bird .wavs (just google bird wavs and you'll get a ton of them) and screwing around with them using the built-in MS sound recorder. Reverse them, splice them with others, speed them up, slow them down, it's amazing what you can make bird calls sound like. There's still some sfx I use that were originally bird calls.
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"To be a true ninja you must first pick the most stealthy of our assorted combat suits. Might I suggest the bright neon orange?"
DXF Games, coming next: Hasslevania 2- This Space for Rent!
Lolol I used to do that with Satan Sam. Record things into Audacity and then play around with them. Inspired by a mate who made some racing game and recorded himself making the engine noises, changing the freq and it sounded quite realistic
A nifty little MMF2 tip is when impact sounds are playing have them randomise their frequency within limits. I find it works really well for explosions anyroad. Pour example
edit: Random(100000)+10000 is the range I'm using.