I have groups of events all split up which have If a button is pressed then do.... in them. the problem is if i put anything in there such as sound or frame events it automatically executes them. for instance
Button "Right" clicked - Play sound clicked
Button "Left" Clicked - Play sound Clicked
What actually hapens as soon as i load the frame is clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick until i quit.
any ideas??
I can't figure out the reason, but you can try a classic workaround; Insert a limiting event like "When timer is greater than 00:03" with your "button clicked"-event. No one will notice the delay and mmf gets a free loop without sound.
I had this problem once... Wish I remembered my solution. I would try one of those Alterable value things if the time thing doesn't work... you know, have any value, counter, global, whatever; set it to 1 at start of frame. Then have:
Button "Right" clicked AND value equals 1 - Play sound clicked
Sometimes having it qualify after the first frame fixes it. Bug I guess. O_o
I'll try all the mentioned options but the sound plays BEFORE a button is pressed like as soon as i load the application.
Not sure but it could be related to another i ssue i have noticed. sometimes when i add an event into an already working line and test it again it no longer works even though the event i have added bears no relevance to and should not stop it working. Can't think of a reference off hand but i might try creating some new events and/or groups!