So next week XBOX 360 owners will have access to the classic FPS, Duke Nukem 3D. Avaliable for download via Xbox Live for 800 points(?). High Definition, Online co-op and "Dukematch" as well as the abilty to rewinded time and upload pics/videos for other users viewing pleasure. 12 Achievements ranging from completing chapters to stepping in dog poo. Lovely!
Who will be getting it? If you are, I'd love to add you as friends for comparing scores, dukematch and co-op etc. My tag is: Slink17
*sits and hopes some people love Dukey enough to download*
I's already got it for PC (the whole Duke Killaton collection!), but still it's good to get more people back into Duke hopefully gets Forever out sooner.
Plutonium/Atomic edition (which ever was the last one), Duke it out in DC and loads of mods... Hundreds of maps. And Duke 1 and 2! My dad just came home from work and said he spotted that "Duke game you liked" in EB, had to make him run out again to get it for me God I loved Duke Nukem.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.