Maybe this is a well known trick, but can anyone help me here? I have been trying for years (off and on) to make some kind pf car movement where by it powerslides on loose surfaces, much like a raly car. Anyone out there who can help me??
Hm... I ran into at least two back in the day when the classic (now retired) clickteam forums were still in use... You could search the file archive. They are entirely custom race car movements, one was quite good.
It's actually an incredibly difficult thing to do, to simulate *realistic* car physics with the potential for oversteer/understeer/4-wheel slide.
If you just want something that feels like a slippery arcade game, more like Micro Machines, then you may be in luck.
You could also try the Phizix (spelling?) extension - I seem to remember it having a driving game as an example.
Originally Posted by AndyUK can't you just make the actual rotation delayed more depending on how fast you're going?
so the car rotates normal speed, but the car's direction is slower to keep up depending on the speed you travel.
No, that doesn't seem to make sense. O_o
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
23rd September, 2008 at 07:48:05 -
It can be done quite simply with the Phizix extension for MMF2. There's even an included example of a car engine. The problem with that engine however is that it simulates all 4 wheels individually and joins them to a car body. It's more realistic but its harder to modify for a more arcadey slide feel.
You simply need to create a rectangule for a car base, give it a movement with Phizix and then when you want to powerslide, hit on some angular rotation or similar.