Good evening, ladies and gents! I place before you for discussion a subject which I havesthth ponderified upon for quite some time. I don't know whether to keep "Le Crouton Belchiere Studios" or go with "Jolly Crouton Media." I like both for various reasons, but I'm afraid the first is too hard to remember or say and the second is too generic in logo.
Ok, what sayest thou, oh noble membres of good stature? A simple one or the other vote will do, but I'll also take thoughts on just the names, thoughts on just the logos, thoughts on both... whatever! These are really the only two contenders as of now, but who knows? I could think of something else!
Thank you. Please place all trash in the appropriate receptacles on your way out.
Thank you! So you think it's not too generic or stereotypical? I was pretty set on switching until someone told me they liked LCBS better. I have a feeling I know which way this poll is going to lean.
BTW, I pronounced it "Bell-shee-air." (like in Pierre)
Surely it would be "Les Studios de Crouton Belchiere", unless I'm very much mistaken (and it's going to be really embarassing if I am, because I did live in France for a year).
To be honest, any use of the French language outside of France (and other French speaking nations I guess) just sounds like pretentious bollocks to me.
It wasn't intended to sound like real French, but a comical use of certain French language "stereotypes" like "iere" and "Le." I asked someone from France and they said it was funny, like an old company from the 30's.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.