Think you can chalk up a good santa representation of your avatar in a day and a half? You have now until December 26th to create a "Santa" version of your avatar! Even if all it has on is a hat or a complete suit and reindeer set, go ahead and try! To enter, simply post here saying, "I'm in!" with an update on your avatar in a santa version. You can include a link if you want to change yours the next day. The contest is over when as many people who want to have their new avatars posted. Voting will be then be open for a day afterwards by the entire community. The winner will recieve 200 DC points from me. The only rules are that you must not be an admin. And you only get one vote, and you can't vote for yourself. You can, however, post I'm in, and then link or change your avatar later if you want.
Happy Santaverting* everyone!
*(act of converting current avatar to santa version)
(Mods, please move if in wrong forum.)
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Admins can still post if they want. But, maybe some other prize for them? Oh, and I've extended allowable entries to the 29th and voting on the 1st of January. Thanks for showing interest and Merry Christamas all!
@Spitznagl: Yes. If you have a santa version of you avatar already, then you can post that too.
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That's the way! Remember, if all you can add to your avatar is a type of reindeer horns or santa hat, then go ahead! Remember, you have until the 29th and we vote on the first! Come on now, we need more people at least!
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Anybody else wanna submit a santavatar? If no one else does buy the first I'll just split the winnings and give the admin a trophy. I thought we did something like this a while back. Hmmm, maybe I was a bit late posting.
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Since we only had two participents (blames self for posting late in season), I'm just going to hand out 200 to each of them. Along with a helping trophy for OMC for moving the thread to the proper locataion. I hope we do better next year.
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