Posted By
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 374
28th September, 2010 at 21:38:17 -
I has a problem.
I've finally figured out how to make destructable terrain thanks to Sketchy's 360° Shooting Gallery (kudos, man ).
However, it only works if all of the objects necessary are on the first layer; any other layer will not work. Can somebody explain why this is and how to get it to work on all layers?
I can try and specify more if needed. Thanks in advance!
An old and washed up once-kid
Registered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
28th September, 2010 at 21:46:31 -
I didn't look at your link, but did you try using the surface object?
And if this is what I think it is, only the first layer allows pasting backdrops. All other layers are just creating "dead" actives so to speak. That is, they aren't handled the same way as a backdrop on the first layer.
Sketchy Cornwall UK
Registered 06/11/2004
Points 1971
28th September, 2010 at 23:07:49 -
Yeah, that example was pretty basic - if you're doing anything fancy, you'll probably need the Surface or Overlay extension. It's still not that difficult though.
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 374
29th September, 2010 at 00:02:59 -
Dl'd the extension. It works, but only on layer 1. I must be doing something wrong...
An old and washed up once-kid
Sumo148 Super amazing fantastic user
Registered 26/01/2009
Points 530
29th September, 2010 at 00:48:01 -
you can change the current layer that an actives on, cant you?
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 374
29th September, 2010 at 05:15:48 -
I may have to... I don't think there's another way around this.
Thanks for the replies anyhoo, guys.
An old and washed up once-kid
Registered 17/05/2002
Points 7234
29th September, 2010 at 15:33:59 -
I haven't looked at Sketchy's example but is there any reason why you can't just move the object to the same layer as the background, check for collisions, then move it back? As long as the events (or actions) are in that order the whole process will be invisible to the player.
W3R3W00F Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho
Registered 08/11/2008
Points 374
29th September, 2010 at 23:06:53 -
I could do that, but I may have to forget about destructable terrain altogether because when you add a backdrop (not an obstacle) to another backdrop I don't thing you can't make the added backdrop erase part of the other backdrop it was blitted to. Oh well...
So once again, thank you all for the suggestions and ideas!
An old and washed up once-kid
Rick Shaw
Registered 30/04/2008
Points 158
1st October, 2010 at 00:08:52 -
I did destructible terrain in my game by using an overlay object to record obstacle information. a certain R,G,B combination means obstacle, a different R,G,B means open ground, etc.
It's real easy to modify in-game by pasting different colored objects into the overlay. Collision detection can be done by reading off the R,G,B at a certain pixel-value. You can also invent a practically limitless number of other sorts of terrain besides "obstacle" and "non-obstacle." My game has various walls, ramps, glass, crawlspaces etc.
Just some food for thought. I always love to see a game with destructible terrain.