Posted By
Registered 14/05/2010
Points 1708
12th November, 2010 at 16:47:28 -
Dear Hayo,10 words to expresss my feelings:
OMG you're a genius, I love your engine and games!
OK let's get serious, I'm not really doing something yet on 3D's but I wanna know how do you make them,
do you use Mode7?
do you use 3D activities?
if so, can anyone show me a tut?
thanks again,
happy to live on tdc
The Chris Street Administrator
Unspeakably Lazy Admin
Registered 14/05/2002
Points 48488
12th November, 2010 at 17:41:15 -
1. This should probably be a private message.
2. Look here:
The FishHead 3D game is being developed using an OpenGL engine called StoneGoose. It's an extention due to be released imminently that allows the user to create 3D worlds.
Hayo Stone Goose
Registered 15/08/2002
Points 6949
12th November, 2010 at 18:57:45 -
Matt Esch is the genius, I just put fancy graphics on his masterful creations. The extension bundle he is making will be released rather soonish, stay tuned