From website:
"FANSI 2.0 is an enhanced ANSI Art specification for MUDs (multi-user dungeons) that allows 256 colors and 151 extended characters. A freeware mouse-driven drawing application, MUSHii, is also available to assist with the creation of FANSI art."
If this video is a showcase of your progress, I'd say your practice is serving you well.
The sci-fi picture around seconds 47 - 50 is very well done. The lighter foreground and dimmer background colours help the subject pop out.
The character work you've done could use a little more contrast, particularly around 1:09. The character's face is so bright that the eyes blend in with the skin tone. Maybe the same colour you used to define the neck could be used near the eyes?
Keep up the practice - it seems like you're totally into it.