Im making spheres orbiting a other sphere.
So far so good.
I need a way to be able to control the speed of the sin movement like a just few pixels per second maybe.
and even minutes,hours or days etc.
At this point when i set the rotation value to 1 it already has far to much speed.
What i want with this is to connect the spheres orbit to the realtime clock using the ''date & time'' object or some other if u have a great idear.
Ok the time setting is correct now but the next thing has come up.
The sphere orbits in 360 degr but because the sin is set up to seconds it only completes 60 of the 360 degr.
When the seconds return to zero the orbiting sphere does it also.
In my logic i would say 'just continue on path' but i dont know how to translate it to code.
Got no qlue what to do?
I set the time x object to: every seconds of( "Date & Time" )-1000 ad 1 to New entry timestamp counter.
Then i set the sphere to:
X( "Center" )+Cos(value( "New entry timestamp counter" ))*Dist( "Sphere" )
Y( "Center" )-Sin(value( "New entry timestamp counter" ))*Dist( "Sphere" )
The counter just ads up so i dont have a 60 seconds limit to my orbit rotation anymore!
Thanx for the help!
It worked out fine