The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Daily Click ::. HOW TO GET YOUR GAME APPROVED AT TDC!

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The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


Game of the Week WinnerClickzine StaffAcoders MemberKlikCast StarVIP MemberPicture Me This Round 35 Winner!Second GOTW AwardYou've Been Circy'd!Picture Me This Round 38 Winner!GOTM December Third Place!!
I am an April FoolKliktober Special Award Tag
7th October, 2012 at 07/10/2012 10:05:49 -

To all users -

There are an increasing number of users who are failing to meet the criteria when submitting applications to TDC. There is a general process that we go through, and I feel it is necessary to create this sticky post to make everybody aware of what is acceptable.

If you want your application to be approved by a TDC administrator, you need to fulfill the following criteria:

Ensure the description is detailed!
Time and time again, we receive submissions from users, with one-line descriptions such as "Dave the Robot must kill all the bad guys and ultimately defeat Kevin the Metal Machine". This is NOT a detailed way to describe your download! Why not explain what genre the product falls under? How many levels? What are the level themes? Are there boss fights? Who composed the music? Are the graphics original? That kind of thing. Below is a more detailed description of the same (imaginary) download, and is a step closer to admin approval:

"In the year 2012, Dave the Robot was created. He had a creator. But he doesn't know who it was, because he was hit by a car and obliterated into lots of little nuggets. All he knows is that he has one lifelong goal - to dismantle the evil Kevin the Metal Machine. 2012 has been a strange year so far - Justin Beiber being sick on-stage, Apple releasing dodgy mapping software for their devices - but Dave's year is about to get even stranger.

Featuring eight levels split into two stages, from the snowy tundra to an oversized Meccano construction, Daves journey is fraught with danger. Traps litter every stage, and logical puzzles must be beaten in order to proceed. With original music composed by Smithy McSmithson, and the talented artistry of Daniel Danielson, Dave's Adventure is one fun adventure"

Spot the difference?

Don't fill the description with "how to play the game" details
Somewhat straightforward, this. Several developers simply feel that throwing in instructions on how to play the game is enough for a description. It is not. Include the controls as part of the description if you wish, but not the sole description! "Press UP to move up. Press DOWN to move down. Press LEFT to move LEFT. Press RIGHT to move right. Press SHIFT to jump" - a sole description like this is just stupid.

Include working screenshots!
Another obvious point. Include screenshots of the product in action. A single screenshot of a title screen is not really acceptable as it doesn't show the viewer what they are downloading. A screenshot of something completely irrelevant, such as a photo of a cow, is also not acceptable. You may laugh, but this has been done in the past!

Download link!
Make sure that the link works. It can be a direct link to the download file, or if you want to cheaply increase the number of hits to your website, link to a download page on your website instead. We don't care, just as long as the link works and is relevant. Oh, and don't link to files on your computers c:/ drive! The link will only work for you - not for everyone else. The number of people who have done this in the past is mind boggling, really. Find somewhere public to upload your application.

Your game will NOT be accepted if the above requirements are not met. The admins will often leave comments advising any necessary changes that need to be made under your submission. You can still view your submission by VIEWING YOUR PROFILE and looking at the "Downloads" box - this is where you will find our comments, and you can make tweaks by clicking the "Edit Download" button that appears on the page.

If you fail to check your submission within a few days, an advisory will appear, informing you that the submission will be deleted shortly. If you still fail to address any problems, the submission will be deleted.

I hope this post has been informative



Peace & Love


7th October, 2012 at 07/10/2012 10:59:32 -

Get lost!



Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
7th October, 2012 at 07/10/2012 21:47:10 -

Originally Posted by NastyMan
Get lost!

Is that an addition to the criteria, Yair?


the Pilgrim

20th February, 2013 at 20/02/2013 12:45:15 -

now i undestand why i am on -70 points! (note to self; always check the rules before doing anything stupid ). Better get working hard on some great game, to get my reputation normalized!

"I am always on the move, becuase I am a pilgrim in this world."


Possibly Insane

25th February, 2013 at 25/02/2013 13:40:14 -

Hey, I didn't know that TDC points can go negative, that means I can choose all of this little badges at no cost

Anywayz back on topic: Please fill in your description of the game, add some working screenshots, setup a link for downloading or play and go! I thought that was pretty in accordance with the KISS principle.

PS: Is there no way to make those fields in the form obligatory? And while overhauling TDC this process can of course be automated, so it checks for a certain lengthy description and if the links are working.


Dave S.

4th December, 2014 at 04/12/2014 19:03:01 -

I sent in a game recently but it is yet to appear in the downloads section - is there still something wrong with it?


Eternal Man [EE]

Pitied the FOO


Game of the Week WinnerHero of TimeLOL SignI am an April Fool
5th December, 2014 at 05/12/2014 00:35:24 -

It's probably due to lack of admin activity. It'll most certainly get there, but it might take a little while longer.

Eternal Entertainment's Code'n'Art Man

E_E = All Indie

...actually Ell Endie, but whatever.

Knudde (Shab)



Has Donated, Thank You!Clickzine StaffKlikCast StarVIP MemberGhostbuster!Dos Rules!I donated an open source project
7th December, 2014 at 07/12/2014 01:26:31 -

I'll try to update tonight after my kids go to bed guys.

Craps, I'm an old man!


  27/03/2015 05:17:21
12th April, 2015 at 12/04/2015 16:02:46 -

Please check my game!
It's been here for weeks, but still not appearing on downloads.

EDIT: Thanks!

Edited by Zuurix

My current project:


  02/06/2017 13:28:39
2nd June, 2017 at 02/06/2017 13:38:06 -

I am completely new to Clickteam Fusion, and I have a question. Could not really find an appropriate forum/topic to ask this question, so you can either answer it here or point me in the right direction.

So my question is, what are my IP(Intellectual Property) rights, if I develop a game using CF ? Do I own the game and all profits from it ?
Post your opinion, or just send me some official link that describes all legalities involved.



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
3rd June, 2017 at 03/06/2017 19:10:04 -

Hi Tehanu! This topic would probably have fit in its own topic under Klik Coding Help, but it's probably no big deal.

Your rights depend on which version of Fusion you have. You retain all IP rights insofar as your original content is concerned--Clickteam isn't going to claim ownership over your characters or story or art or anything, nor royalties, though they retain rights over the runtime that gets bundled into built applications.

You can check out the agreement that comes with Fusion inside the application under Help > Contents and then Distributing your application > Runtime agreement. It's also here:

The applicable information for whichever version you have can be found here: under Additional Features. It used to be that commercial products built with anything other than the Developer edition required an MMF2 logo in the application--that seems to have carried over into 2.5. If you need a logo, you can download it here:

(It may also be that builds outside of Developer already have a logo splash at the beginning? It's been so long since I've used those versions that I no longer know.)

Hope that helps!



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