Hi, noob here. I had this concept for a game in which the primary mechanic is splitting into a flock of birds and then being able to reform as a normal human. It's a platformer, btw.
So I've been able to do the actual splitting(not reforming) and even in the splitting there are a LOT of problems. I won't go into detail, because it would take far too long to explain everything that's wrong. Suffice it to say, my method is broken and doesn't work. Any suggestions?
Flock of birds? When is the player able to do once they split like this?
If it's just a random flock you could use a loop to determine how the flock will be laid out and then store their relative positions and use linear interpolation to make it appear as if they're bursting from the players character and into formation. When it's time to regroup just have a predetermined form and use linear interpolation again to regroup them.
That is of course assuming that the birds act like a random flock, and there isn't any other special movements they must do inbetween.