Posted By
Registered 21/02/2008
Points 13
29th August, 2014 at 29/08/2014 20:59:46 -
I'm using Multimedia Fusion 2 and am wondering, Can I add multiple "Hot Spot" and/or "Action Points" to a single Active Object? Only 1 each seems kind of limiting. Thank's.
s-m-r Slow-Motion Riot
Registered 04/06/2006
Points 1078
29th August, 2014 at 29/08/2014 23:57:45 -
I think the Action Points Example stored on Nivram's site can be of help. Sketchy did this one back in the day, if I recall. Look for the example with Homer Simpson on it.
To sum up: create a frame of animation for an object for each action point you want to have on an object. Force all the animation frames to be displayed all at the same time. Before you know it, your space ship has multiple cannons on it! (or, in the case of the example, each of the "X" objects is sitting on a different action point...)
Hagar Administrator
Old klik fart
Registered 20/02/2002
Points 1692
30th August, 2014 at 30/08/2014 12:05:14 -
SMR I guess the trick is essentially using the same idea as embedded detectors?
MMF only updates the screen after all events have been processed. So you can change your animation direction or frame to anything you want, as long as you change it back before the final event is executed, the user will never see any of the other frames or directions. Something to consider Patrix
The_Antisony At least I'm not Circy
Registered 01/07/2002
Points 1341
30th August, 2014 at 30/08/2014 17:33:27 -
I didn't take a look at Sketchy's example and mine doesn't deal with multiple hotspots, but I just made an example that uses the StringParser2 extension to achieve "multiple action points" in three different modes.
The first mode selects a random X/Y pair from StringParser2 and the second cycles through each element one-at-a-time and loops. The third selects a random XY position from anywhere overlapping an active object, not just a string of parsed points.
I know I could have done something more complicated without using StringParser2, but it's a common extension and it's a staple I use in almost every project for some purpose or another anyway.!154&authkey=!ABhL22jICikOBU0&ithint=file%2cmfa
Edited by The_Antisony
ChrisD> Employer: Say, wanna see a magic trick?
ChrisD> Employee: Uhh… sure, boss.
ChrisD> Employer: Your job! It just disappeared! Pack your things and leave! Pretty good trick, huh?