ok so im wanting to make it so when you unlock parts it adds them to your list of obtained parts, and then have it when building your character you can cycle through them. how would you go about doing this? right now all parts are unlocked and im using a string object to cycle through them, how would i do this when the number of paragraphs would be constantly changing?
[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]
you can read all different parts of a string. front middle and end. so i'd read the first letter. example paragraph one is "1big gun"
paragraph two is "0small gun". Well indexing threw the stings. if the front letter of the paragraph equals 1. Then the item is locked and the program moves on to look at paragraph two.
There are also a lot of different string objects out their to use. Some of them make doing stuff like this easier. But if using the standard string object. I think this is the way to go.