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Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member
14th April, 2021 at 14/04/2021 00:53:28 -

Hey all. A long time ago I used to be known as "Snerlin" here on the Daily Click and published many games under the studio name "Neonair Games". I've been away from the klik scene for a quite a while due to a mix of going to uni, getting a job, depression, and moving on to other interests. I still do digital artwork, but really haven't done any more game development with Multimedia Fusion, Java, WebGL, or with any other platform.

I've stopped upkeeping the Neonair Games website and late last year decided to stop paying for the domain and hosting, so it is gone now. However, after a lot of reflection on it, I didn't want my old games to just become lost media, so I decided to upload all my games (the ones for which I still had source or exes lying around) to a GitHub repository to preserve them.

Here is the link to the repository.
Like I mentioned, it contains the exes and klik source files for *most* of my games, including some projects I've never finished or released. Feel free to use the games and their klik source files however you want. I don't plan to do any further development with them.

I'm sorry I never finished Christmas Conquest 2...

Edited by Cazra





Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
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14th April, 2021 at 14/04/2021 19:59:32 -

Thanks for this!

I loved your stuff back in the day. Especially Rand0mness but the racing game also really impressed me at the time when you released it.

Don't forget to submit your stuff here also if it isn't already there:


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