Posted By
 Joshtek Administrator
The Archivist
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 4059
12th October, 2023 at 12/10/2023 13:02:08 -
I've been trying to track down some Halloween games which seem to have fallen into the aether.
Does anyone have any of the following games:
Slasher Boy Halloween Competition Demo released by PixelRebirth in2009 - (SlasherBoyHalloweenDemo.rar)
Halloween chapter one (final version) released by JAY in 2002 -
The House (v2.00) released by Ryan Bloom in 2005 - (TheHouseinstall_200.exe)
To Darken My World Compo Edition Demo released by Xhunterko in 2009 - (
Quarantine released by Aden in 2009 - (Quarantine.exe)
Pac Trip released by SoftWarewolf in 2009 - (
Edited by an Administrator
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
Registered 29/10/2023 14:24:43
Points 225
23rd November, 2024 at 23/11/2024 16:59:13 -
Hi, I don't know if you've noticed, but one of the games you mentioned, Pac Trip, was on an online game page, this one:
At first I thought it was a coincidence, and that it was another different game with the same name, but it was made by the same person and had the same description.
ps: I don't know if this counts as necroposting, but I thought it might be useful.
Edited by Tzahov
 SoftWarewolf Crazy?
Registered 18/05/2002
Points 4273

25th November, 2024 at 25/11/2024 09:40:57 -
SoftWarewolf / GameYey here funny to find this as one of the last current forum posts, i was just dropping by as I've started reviving some of my old games using the html5 runtime.
So now you can actually play Pac Trip here:
On Android / iOS you can add the page to home screen to have it with an app icon and play full-screen. On computer it works at any size with arrow keys too.
Registered 29/10/2023 14:24:43
Points 225
25th November, 2024 at 25/11/2024 20:12:11 -
Alright, now i understand why i was able to find this game What a coincidence.